Chapter 32- Two Can Keep a Secret

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Emily's POV

"So James is on the team that is trying to kill us?! And Riley found out?! Wow. You just can't trust anyone, can you? For all we know, Miss Kate could be on the A-team!" Stephanie exploded. Giselle and I had just shared about the messages we had found.
"Who else do you think could be on that team? I thought it would be a bunch of people that had grudges against or Michelle or something, not our teammate and Riley's boyfriend!" Chloe exclaimed.
"Where is her boyfriend anyway? I haven't seen him since the day after Riley found out." I said.
"How do you know that we the day after she found out?" Tiffany questioned.
"She go the first text the night before, but if someone wants to answer my question, go right ahead." I said, wanting an answer.
"He's probably hanging out in his A hideout, ashamed Riley figured him out." Giselle said, causing us all to laugh the slightest bit.


I was about to leave for dance the next day, when I noticed something odd. Riley stood by the door, hair brushed and pulled back into a ponytail, makeup done, and wearing dance clothes, and holding her dance bag. "Ready to go Em?" She asked me. I stared at her in confusion as I responded.
"Yeah." I said, still looking at her.
"You alright?" She questioned. I nodded. She hadn't spoken to me in full sentences since she snapped at me.
"Let's go." I said, deciding not to mess with this. When we got to the studio, the other girls stared at her confused. 'What happened?' Tiffany mouthed. I shrugged my shoulders. I don't know what happened, but Riley was dressed and left the house for the first time in 5 days. I wasn't messing with it. Riley shuffled through her bag, pulling out her water and setting t in the bench, before removing her charm bracelet so she didn't break it somehow, and leaving it in her bag.
"Hey Em." She said, snapping my attention to her face instead of watching her actions.
"Yeah?" I inquired.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you." She told me. I furrowed my brows and looked at her confusedly.
"What?" I asked her.
"A couple days ago, when I got mad at you. I'm sorry." She told me.
"Oh. It's alright." I said, as she pulled me into a hug. Something about this was really weird.

Riley's POV

"Hey Riley." Miss Kate said, getting my attention. "Could you get the costumes from the costume closet? I put them in there last week, but we should try them on now to make sure they fit, you know, so we can get alterations done."
"Sure Miss Kate." I said, heading to the music room. On the door of the costume closet, were words carved into the wood. Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead -A. Confused, I opened the door, and a burned and blackened body fell out. I screamed, and stared at it, wondering whether it was real or not. Then I spotted something shiny on its wrist.

The new book is posted. Make sure to read 'Nonexistent'. Thanks!

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