Chapter 30- The Break-Up Effect

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Eldon's POV

James walked into rehearsal 15 minutes late, and Riley was still no where to be seen. After James put his bag away, he turned and I was met with a ginormous bruise on the left side of his face. "Woah, man what happened to you?" I asked him as he came over.
"Nothing. Just forget it." He said angrily.
"Ok. Sorry dude." I said, backing away from him.

Chloe's POV

For the rest of rehearsal, Riley never appears. And on top of that, James stands in a corner alone without speaking with anyone. When rehearsal is over, James storms out of the studio before anyone can say another word. This is really odd. Ever since James and Riley have been together, they've both been happier than ever, and now Riley doesn't show up for dance, and James is angry with the world. I don't understand. They were fine yesterday.

Riley's POV

I inhaled as I stared out the window of my bedroom at the pouring rain. I didn't feel like myself in the track pants and baggy shirt I was wearing, but I was too upset to work a zipper or coordinate a better outfit. I crossed my arms and leaned against the side of the window ledge. James made me look like a fool. I thought he loved me, but I guess I was wrong. I heard the front door open, and footsteps come inside. "Riley?" I heard Emily call upstairs. I tore my eyes away from the window, and turned my head to face the door.
"In my room." I called. A couple seconds later, Emily appeared. I made eye contact with her, before looking out the window again.
"Why weren't you at rehearsal today?" She asked. I saw her smiling in the reflection in the window, which made my straight face frown.
"I just didn't want to go." I said, still staring at her reflection in the window. She had her hair straightened, her makeup done, and was dressed in proper clothes, whereas my reflection showed me with messy hair, a makeup-less face, and the old baggy shirt I had on.
"Riley, what's up? I haven't seen you like this since you and Derek broke up." Emily said to me.
"Nothing! I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" I snapped at her, finally turning to face her again, but keeping my arms crossed. She looked taken aback at my outburst, I couldn't find the strength to care right now.
"Ok. I'm sorry." She said, leaving my room and closing the door. I sighed, staring at where she had stood.

Mystery POV

I pushed him in there, and shoved the door closed, smirking evilly. I pulled out the pocket knife out of my bag, and reached up, starting to carve the words in the wood.

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