Chapter 12- They Tried to Kill Her

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Emily's POV

I entered the house cautiously. The lock had been picked, and the door was left open, which left me wondering if the unknown person was still in the house. I walked slowly through the house, ready to pounce at any sight of movement. I made my way into the kitchen, and saw the damage. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at the scene. Riley lay on the ground, with her hands on her stomach, and eyes closed. She faced up to the ceiling, and below her knees was bent to her left. She looked peaceful, almost as if she was just sleeping. But when you looked up at her head, you saw the blood. There were a couple pieces of glass embedded in her forehead, blood dribbling down the right side of her head, and into the large pool of blood around her. There was a broken glass bottle about a foot away from her, pieces of glass all over. Whoever did this to her, hit her over the head with an empty wine bottle. Right above her right eyebrow to be exact. Tears stained my cheeks as I let them fall. How could I have been so stupid? I suddenly realized how close the sound of sirens was, and when I turned around, there were the paramedics rushing in. They lifted her on a stretcher, as one stopped to talk to me. "Do you know what happened?" She asked me softly, knowing I was in pain looking at Riley. I shook my head.
"I-I got a text. And when I came home, there she was." I said as I cried.
"Wanna drive to the hospital and meet us?" The paramedic asked. I nodded, sniffling. "Let me get someone to drive you. It's unsafe to drive upset." She told me. I nodded, and she went to talk to one of her coworkers, as they wheeled Riley out. A man came over to me, and smiled.
"I'm Henry. I'm going to drive you." He told me. I nodded again. "Let's get to your car." We got in the car and he drove me all the way to the hospital, without a word spoken between us. When we got there, I walked inside, and saw Ms. Kate standing there impatiently.
"Emily! You're here! Is everything alright?!" She asked me once shed spotted me, worried. I shook my head.
"They tried to kill her." I cried. Ms. Kate pulled me in for a hug, rubbing my back and trying to sooth me as I cried into her shoulder. I finally pulled away, sniffling and wiping my eyes. I walked over to the front desk, urging myself to not cry. "Excuse me. Do you have any news on Riley Pells?" I asked the secretary. She pulled up notes in a computer, looking through them.
"It looks like she has a room on the third floor, number 346, and they're allowing visitors." The secretary told me nicely.
"Thank you." I sniffled, walking back over to Ms. Kate.

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