Chapter 33- The Watch and Officers

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Eldon's POV

Riley's been gone for over 10 minutes, so Miss Kate sent me to see what she's doing. As I entered the music room, I saw the door to the costume closet open. Looking as though it had fallen out of the closet, was a burnt body, beside that, was Riley. She was kneeling on the ground, tears streaming down her face as she held something shiny in her hand. I ran over to her, and knelt beside her, putting my arm around her. I slowly pulled the object from her hand, to reveal an expensive silver watch. When I turned it over, I saw an inscription on the back. To James, happy 16th birthday! Love Riley. I looked over at her, and then at the body. The body was James. And James was dead. And it was Riley who found him. I pulled her shaking body to me, as she cried into my shirt. I rubbed her back slowly, trying to calm her down. "Shh." I soothed. "Come with me. I don't want you to stay here with him." I said as I stood up, pulling her up with me.

Kate's POV

"Miss Kate!" Eldon yelled running into studio A. His white shirt was damp in places, seemed to have mascara smudges on it. I narrowed my eyes, slightly worried about him. "Miss Kate." He said again, stopping to breath. Finally he said something again. "James is in the music room. Dead." Silence fell over the studio. Did he just say dead? I found myself running to the music room, and entered to be met with the sight. I gasped as I saw Hunter and West enter the room as well, looking shocked.


Emily's POV

"How do you know it's James Calwell?" An officer asked.
"The watch was found on his wrist. It's inscribed with his name." Eldon answered.
"I'd put time of death to be around 3 or 4 days ago." Another officer told Miss Kate.
"So there's been a dead body in my studio for 3 or 4 days?!" She exclaimed.
"Here Riley." Giselle said gently as she placed a bottle of water on the table in front of Riley. I rubbed her thigh slowly, as she stared at her hands. Poor Riley! I heard the officer that was sat on the couch beside us groan. He was trying to question Riley, but she wasn't being any help, considering she hadn't said anything since she found James. He stood up and walked away, giving up on trying to get any answers from Riley.
"This is terrible." Chloe said, looking over at Riley.
"I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't leave her room for the rest of her life." Stephanie said, shaking her head. I looked over at Riley as well. She was completely zoned out. In her own world. I swallowed, continuing to rub her thigh.
"I'd like to speak with you 5." An officer said, approaching us. I looked over at Riley again, before standing up and following the officer with the other girls, leaving Riley alone on the couch.

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