Chapter 47- Long Stories

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Emily's POV

"You girls should've said something sooner." The detective said. She was scrolling through all the messages on my phone, well other officers were using Steph's to try and find a location. "This is serious serious business. These people threatened you, almost killed someone, kidnapped 2 people, and are still walking down these streets. Aren't you girls terrified?" She asked, almost shocked. We nodded.
"More scared than I've ever been." Giselle answered.
"Then why didn't you say anything sooner?" The detective asked again.
"Riley told us not to. She was still scared to death about how she was almost murdered. But when she went missing, we forgot a bit, until today. And we knew we had to tell you." Chloe said.
"We got a location!" An officer called, stepping into the room. The detective looked like she wasn't finished with us, but knew she had to go.
"Wait here." She said, standing up. "It's the safest place. We'll bring back whoever we find." With that, she left, heading to hopefully rescue Riley and Michelle.


There was the sound of many feet walking, and I looked up from my hands to see officers bringing Derek and Beth into the station. They were both handcuffed, and brought into rooms for questioning. Then, 2 familiar faces rounded the corner. One of them, I didn't expect, the other, one I hadn't seen in a long time. Amanda, and a very shaky Michelle, walked over to us. I stood up, and hugged Michelle. "Long time no see." She said, before the other girls hugged her.
"Michelle!" We heard a shocked voice say. We all turned to see Eldon standing there, no handcuffs on and free to just walk right out of here. I was scared, he was still possibly a murderer, James death wasn't explained, but also happy. Him and Michelle had been together before she was kidnapped. He was the most devastated, other than her parents of course. He ran over to her, and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.
"Michelle, we're gonna call your parents honey. You guys as well." The detective said, as she walked in. I was most shocked by one of the 2 people following her, who were just talking and laughing. Riley, and James. The detective went into her office to make a good number of calls, as I looked over at James, my face most likely white. James looked at all of us and swallowed.
"Long story." He said, looking down. Now I understood why Eldon was here at least. James is alive, so he didn't kill anyone, therefore they were forced to release him. "Long looooooong story." He laughs, exaggerating the 'o' in 'long'.
"And I think everyone here has a story involving Beth and Derek." Amanda said, looking over at the rooms they were being questioned in this very second.

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