Chapter 34- Ellie Taylor With Blonde Hair

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Beth's POV

I watched as the girls left, and took the chance to talk to Riley. "Hi Riley." I said, sitting beside her. "Did you like your surprise?" I asked as I watched tears start to fall from her eyes again. I smirked. She was paying attention to what was going on, she just chose to pretend she wasn't. Smart girl. "I have an even better surprise for you. But you'll have to do something for me first." I told her, before leaning in to whisper in her ear.

Stephanie's POV

"I'm detective Skirving. I'm here to question you." The officer, well detective, announced once we made it to the hallway.
"Why? We had nothing to do with this. We're only here to comfort our friend." Tiffany said.
"So so much connected to you girls. A kidnapping, or runaway, a possible suicide-" Emily cut her off before she could finish.
"Attempted murder." She said coldly.
"And now a murder." Detective Skirving carried on, as if Emily didn't interrupt her. "Why here? Why you? Questions need answers you know." She said.
"Yeah I agree. So could you kindly tell us the answer to our question." Giselle said annoyed.
"The station has reason to believe you girls are behind everything. You will be closely monitored until I get my answer." She said seriously. Then her face broke into a smile. "Nice to meet you girls. Bye now." Detective Skirving said, as if we had just had a pleasant conversation, before she turned on her heel, and reentered the music room.
"Wow, talk about detective creepy." Emily said once the detective was out of earshot.
"Let's get Riley out of here." I suggested, getting nods in response, before we entered to get Riley. When we had all gotten in the car, Emily began driving down the road. I don't know if she was driving to her house, or mine, or anyone else's, but she just kept driving. Finally, she pulled up outside her house. She must've taken a different route because I didn't recognize the drive. I looked over at Riley. She was looking out the window, not paying attention, and biting her thumbnail. She didn't just seem upset anymore, she seemed distracted. I wonder what happened when we talked with detective creepy, yes I'm calling her that as well now.

Riley's POV

"Michelle?" I asked as I walked up to a brunette. She turned and I saw Michelle wearing a brown wig. "What are you doing?" I asked her, seriously confused.
"Shh!" She said, pulling me over to the side. "While I'm like this I'm Ellie Taylor, and you don't know me." She told me.
"Seriously. What are you doing?" I asked her.
"I needed a break." She said.
"What?" I questioned.
"Whenever I'm sick of being Michelle Simms, I put on this wig, and I become Ellie Taylor. Just for a while." She explained.
"Really?" I asked her. She nodded.
"Uh huh. And if you ever feel like you need to escape, just put on a blonde wig and be Ellie Taylor with blonde hair. Just make sure we aren't being her at the same time, otherwise someone will notice." She told me, smiling.
Right now her advice sounded pretty good.

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