Chapter 9- Pay Up

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Riley's POV

I was sitting on the couch, texting Chloe. Emily was on the other end, and was acting odd. She was silent and had just been staring at me the whole time. I heard her take a deep inhale, before she spoke to me. "Ri, can I ask you something?" She asked me. I looked up from my phone at her.
"Of course." I answered. I noticed how worried and scared she looked, so I put down my phone, giving her my full attention.
"Promise me you'll be fully honest ok? No lies or anything. And I promise I won't be mad." She said.
"Alright. I promise." I told her.
"Are you, involved with someone?" She asked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked her, a little confused.
"Like are you seeing anyone, or are you... you know, sleeping with anyone?" She asked me. I felt my heart stop at that. I really didn't want to tell her, but I promised her I'd tell the truth. I sighed. She was going to find out sooner or later.
"Yeah." I said, looking down at my hands in guilt.
"Yeah to seeing someone, or to sleeping with someone?" She asked quietly. I swallowed the lump in my throat, not looking up as I answered.
"Both." I said even quieter.
"Who?" She asked, her volume rising ever so slightly.
"James." I said quietly, waiting for the lecture to come. For her to tell me I was stupid for being with him when all he does is break girls hearts. How Derek was so much better than him. What she said next surprised me.
"I know." Was all that came from her mouth. My head shot up to look at her.
"How do you know?!" I asked.
"I can't explain. I won't tell anyone, if you don't want me to anyways." She told me.
"Really?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded.
"Yeah." I smiled, and reached over, hugging her.
"Thanks Em." I told her. She pulled out of the hug to look at me in the eye.
"Just remember protection. I refuse to be an aunt at 16." Emily told me seriously. I nodded.
"Alright." I agreed, not wanting a repeat of what happened with Derek.

Emily's POV

My phone buzzed, and I saw yet another unknown message. "I'm gonna head upstairs." I told Riley, hiding my phone. She nodded, and I went upstairs. This message was horrible. I couldn't believe what this unknown person wanted me to do. I was supposed to attack one of my best friends, in a way she struggles. I reread the message again.
Unknown- time to pay up. You don't think you owe me, but you do. Steal the money from the lockbox, and put it in your mailbox, framing it on Chloe. Do it by midnight tomorrow, or face the consequences. I'll pick up the money then. And whatever you do, remember to not tell.

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