Chapter 19- Secret Plans

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There's a note at the end of the chapter. Please read it.
Riley's POV

It had been 2 days since I was discharged from the hospital. I was feeling a lot better since the incident. When I had first woken up at the hospital, I had been on a lot of different drugs, painkillers mostly, that were making me a little loopy, and tired, but now that it had been 48 hours since I got off the drugs, I was feeling exceedingly better. It was Sunday today, and it was the first nice day of spring. 15℃, sunny, the ground dry instead of damp, and the blossoming plants were almost ready to open. All in all, it was a beautiful day. I was walking down the driveway to get the paper for my dad, and saw Alex Rogers doing the same across the street. He saw me, and waved. I smiled and waved back to him. He was a good guy, I realize now there was nothing to worry about with him. I bent down to pick up the paper, and when I looked back up, he was standing in front of me. "Hey Alex." I smiled at him.
"Hey Riley. Listen, wanted to apologize for what I said the other day. I didn't realize that Michelle had gone missing. I thought it would be a funny joke and-" he started, but I cut him off.
"Don't worry about it. Like you said, you didn't know. It was just tough because it had been a year since." I explained.
"But we're cool?" He asked, checking. I laughed slightly.
"Yes we're cool." I answered him. He smiled at me. This was the first time I had seen him smile since we were 10, and I had to say, I liked it. His blue eyes sparkled, and his dimples almost reached his long dark brown hair.
"Hey. I need to tell you something, it's kinda important. Could we maybe meet somewhere?" He asked.
"Yeah sure. Why don't you come in?" I offered, but he shook his head.
"It's kind of, a private matter." He said, quieter. "Maybe we could meet on the little dirt road just off the highway." Alex suggested.
"Sure. Does 3 today work?" I asked him. He nodded.
"Yeah. See you then." He said, returning his voice to a normal volume.
"See you." I called, as he walked back across the road. I turned, and headed back up the driveway, and inside.


Mystery POV

I watched the red car stop in the middle of the dirt road. I snapped multiple pictures, before the drivers side door opened, and the driver stepped out, revealing the short brunette. Riley stood still once out of the car, and gripped the top of the open door with her left hand as she looked up and down the road. I snapped some more photos, before she took a deep breath, and slammed the door closed. She continued down the road by foot, until she came to Alex. I snapped more photos of them together, making sure to get the forest behind them, before smiling. This was definitely going to lower their trust in her.

I need to know which book you guys would rather read.
1) a season 4 setting, and a big jiley surprise later on
2) a big surprise at the beginning and a season 3 setting changing to a couple years in the future or
3) a secret between Riley and James that no one else knows in either a season 2 or season 3 setting (you choose if you vote for this one)
Please comment below by writing 1, 2, or 3 for what you'd like for my next book, even though I haven't even figured out how this one will end yet. I want to get your input, so I'm writing something you'd be interested in. Thanks again!

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