Chapter 26- 6 Weeks Later

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Riley's POV

It's been 6 weeks. 6 weeks since we gave the person the money, 6 weeks since we got a text, 6 weeks since I couldn't dance, 6 weeks closer to Nationals, which coincidentally is 6 weeks away, and it's been 4 weeks since James and I made our relationship public. After Emily had found out, I had spent time thinking, and realized that this person could just tell anyone they wanted we were together, so James and I talked, and announced our relationship. It was nice to be able to be seen together without having questions asked. I smiled over at James as I linked our hands together. He smiled back, and kissed my forehead. "So what's new in the world of Jiley?" Giselle asked as she and Thalia sat on the couch across from us.
"Nothing much." I replied. The girls had come up with a ship name for us, aka 'Jiley', and always addressed us with that name when we're together, like when we're together we're the same person. It was weird, and got annoying after the first time they used it, but I just ignored it and didn't tell them. We had all been happier lately, and less stressed due to the lack of texts, so it was easier to just brush stuff off. The thought always stuck in the back of my mind though, who was this person, why did they need the money, and did they only do all this to just get the $10,000? I see the moment we realized it was gone as if it had just happened, over and over again, always replaying in my head.
I walked down to the mailbox with Emily before dance, nervous. Was the money gone? Did they just ask to see if we'd do it or not? So many questions swirled in my head. Emily grasped the handle, and looked at me, before taking a deep breath, and opening the mailbox, to reveal the empty inside to us.
"Hey. So we gotta go to trio practice, but we'll be back to bug you again after." Thalia told us, snapping me out of my thoughts. Giselle laughed, and Thalia grabbed her hand, racing out of Culture Shock with Giselle behind her. I laughed slightly under my breath as well, and heard a phone buzz. James looked at his, before almost sighing.
"Gotta go, my mom wants me home, but I'll see you tomorrow." He said, kissing my forehead again.
"Alright. Tell her I say hi." I told him. He nodded, and grabbed his jacket, walking out of Culture Shock.

James's POV

I parked my car beside the RV. Beth had rented one with the $10,000 from the girls. I got out, and entered to be greeted with the same creepy inside. Photos of Michelle's face everywhere, most with the eyes cut out like a mask, and photos of the other girls hung up around the room, most of them in society, not even realized they were being watched. Porcelain masks sat up by a stand behind them, beside a good size dollhouse with 6 dolls inside, one that looked almost exactly like each girl. As well, a bunch of black hoodies and gloves, the gloves on a table and the hoodies hung up neatly. It would be very creepy to anyone else on A troupe, but for me, it wasn't. I was used to it, I'd been inside here for a while anyways.

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