Chapter 45- White Walls and Plans

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Mystery POV

I was on the team. The team trying to destroy this team. Trying to destroy A troupe, but mostly the girls. I felt so guilty about it too. It wasn't my choice though, he forced me to, knowing it would help keep The Next Step from reaching Nationals. I was the one that shoved the manikin with James's watch into the costume closet, I took photos of Riley's meeting with Alex, I paid Charlie $200 to pretend he wasn't the one hiding at Stephanie's. I did a lot. But I wasn't the only one. James joined, before she kicked him out, then making me 'kill' him. All James really did though was the retrieve the money from the mailbox. But the others did everything else. I did a lot, but at the same time, almost nothing. But I was responsible for Riley, and what happened to her. I told them, and they took her. I'm a terrible person. But one thing done right could change that. Or more than one thing. I know everything, so I can help set everything right again. Let's only hope the plan I made will work.

Emily's POV

My parents soon filed a missing report for Riley. I was still in shock that Eldon didn't know what had happened to Riley. He didn't kidnap her, meaning he probably didn't kidnap Michelle either, even though in my head I accused him of that. So Michelle's kidnapper is still out there, and they could have Riley now too. And maybe I'm next. Or Stephanie, or Chloe, or anyone else in that group. I've figured it out by now. They get you, and you don't figure it out until it's too late. They lure you in, and then make you disappear. I kinda want to go next though, as crazy as its sounds. Then I'll see my sister again.

Riley's POV

I stared at my feet. There wasn't much else to do. There was no furniture in the room, no window, no vent or airway, only one door. The walls were painted a piercing white, the door matching, making it almost impossible to find the way out. Most of the time though, the door was locked, so looking for it was useless. I'd been in here for 36 hours, at least, and I haven't even gotten a glass of water. Normally just someone coming in and yelling at me to stop banging on the walls or shouting or something. I heard the door creak, and wondered what they were going to yell at me about next. I was surprised when silence followed the creak. I finally looked up, to meet the eyes of someone I wasn't expecting. Someone I had doubts about. Someone I didn't believe would really be there for us. But still, here they were. "Riley, we need to get out of here. Hurry!" Amanda told me, motioning for me to go out the door.

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