Chapter 21- 10,000 or Bust

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Chloe's POV

We all walked up the street to Riley and Emily's house, laughing. By we, I mean Giselle, Riley, Stephanie, Tiffany, Emily, and I. When we got to their driveway, we saw several police cars by their house. We all kinda stopped at that, and looked, before Riley started walking across the lawn to the front door. We followed, and we're at the porch by the time Riley was already conversing with her mom. "What's are they doing here?!" Riley asked, sounding angry.
"Riley. They came with a permit to check the house, I couldn't tell them to leave." Her mother explained.
"So they're in my room?!" Emily asked, sounding angry. Before her mother could respond, Emily was running up the stairs, Riley not far behind her. I knew what they were doing. Emily was removing her phone, and Riley was making sure there wasn't anymore fake diaries laying around. I followed them upstairs, the others slowly following. I saw Emily emerge from her room, and slip her phone in her pocket, but shouting came from Riley's room.
"Put my laptop down!" Riley yelled as we entered to see the police pretty much throwing things around her room. It was normally neat and tidy, the police had emptied everything into the floor. Riley was in the middle of it all, trying to pull her laptop away from an officer.
"I have a permit to check the house!" The officer said back.
"Yeah. The house! You need a whole other permit to check my laptop, or even take it for that matter! And they're not going to give you one unless there's a 90% chance of it connecting to the case! And right now, you have nothing!" Riley said, pulling on her laptop harder.
"If you want anyone in this town to pass school, you probably shouldn't take the only copy they have of their assignments." Stephanie spoke up, meaning the laptop. "Besides, like she said you need a permit, so put the laptop down or scram!" She added. The officer let go of the laptop, leaving Riley holding it.
"Also, you better put everything back where it belongs. I'm pretty sure this permit doesn't say 'trash the house'." Emily said angrily. Riley walked out of the room, and into the kitchen, holding the laptop. She sighed, and after making sure her mom wasn't around, she opened the lid to reveal her inbox. She opened an email from an unknown address, allowing us to read it.
You have 3 days to leave the money where I told you, before another diary appears, possibly in a different place. Tick tock.
"The place I told you? They didn't tell us to leave it anywhere." Giselle said confused.
"They probably mean the mailbox. That's where they wanted it to be when they wanted me to frame Chloe." Emily sighed.
"$10,000. Where are we going to get that kind of money?!" I asked. $10,000 in 3 days. There's no way.

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