Chapter 43- Evidence For Eldon

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Riley's POV

I rubbed my eyes as I looked over at the clock on my nightstand. 2:46. I groaned, looking back at my laptop, the only light source in my room. I read the article over again, tapping my pen against the desk impatiently. Today was the first day of Eldon's trial, and the last day I had to find evidence that Eldon couldn't have committed the crime, but I had nothing. I had been reading over articles, hoping to get an idea on something that could be evidence, but nothing. I had just over 6 hours to find something to show Eldon's not guilty. I continued to skim the article, but paused, having to reread a sentence.
He was arrested for harassment and assault, but was bailed out by family.
I couldn't believe it when I read the familiar name.


Emily's POV

"Where's Riley? I wanted to say bye before I left for New York this afternoon." Ashley said as she came downstairs, way too perky.
"Left for dance." I responded. "Probably to get away from you." I mumbled the last part to myself. It wasn't a secret Riley despised Ashley, except Ashley couldn't tell that. I disliked her, but I had grown up with her and could stand her more. Riley hadn't spent as much time with her, lucky her, and had always despised how blunt she is. Ashley seriously doesn't think before speaking. I finished packing my dance bag, before slipping out of the kitchen, heading out the door to dance. My phone buzzed in my pocket, almost making me flinch. I seriously do that every time it rings. I pulled it out, and was right to flinch.
Unknown- keep your friends close, and your sisters closer. -A
I didn't know what they meant. What's wrong with either of my sisters. I turned my phone off, putting it back in my pocket as I got inside my car.


Riley's POV

It was 11:00 at night, and I was still working on evidence for Eldon. I had until midnight, and I was starting to get somewhere. The article I had read this morning was helping greatly. I heard a clap of thunder, and then the sound of loud rain falling, and turned to see the living room window open, probably from the wind. I sighed, getting up to close it, making sure it's bolted, before sitting on the couch with my laptop again. I heard footsteps, like someone with heavy shoes on. They came closer and closer, until I turned, coming face to face with A. They had a mask on, and when they spoke I realized they were using a voice modifier, like James had. "Stop researching." They told me.
"I know who you are. I'm not afraid of you." I told them, standing up. For a minute nothing happened. Then they let out an angry sigh, and lurched forward, covering my mouth with their hand. I tried to scream, but their hand muffled it. They wrapped their other arm around me and lifted me off the ground, holding my arms so I couldn't hit them or something. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't fight back. I couldn't even yell. I had no choice in what happened. They had already won.

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