Chapter 37- Jiley

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James's POV

I heard creaking of floorboards, and Riley appeared from inside the bathroom. Her hair was down and hanging loosely around her face, and she had changed from her black hoodie to my t-shirt, which barely reached her thighs. I slowly sat up, sitting on the bed with my legs hanging off the side. She looked down and bit her lip, smiling, as she made her way over to me slowly. I held my arms out for her, as she stepped closer to me. She stood between my legs and put her arms around my neck, as I put mine around her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. We pulled away and she looked at me. "Why did you pretend to die?" She asked me.
"Beth did it. I didn't know." I responded, kissing her again. When we pulled away again, I asked her a question. "Why did you join the A-team?"
"Beth told me you were still alive. She wasn't going to let me see you until after I proved myself, but I threatened to go to the police if she didn't show me you were alive." She said in her sweet voice. We leaned in for another kiss, and Riley pulled away, kissing my neck softly.
"This is dangerous." I told her. "Especially for you."
"I stopped caring about myself a long time ago." She replied, pulling away from my neck to return to my lips. We kissed for a long time, before she abruptly pulled away. "If you're alive, whose body did I find in the costume closet?" She asked worriedly.
"A manikins." I replied. "Beth had one made." She looked at me confusedly, before shaking it off and connecting our lips. It was slow, sweet, passionate. I moved my arms up her back, and tightened my grip on her as I leaned back into the bed, pulling her on top of me. I rolled over, so I was on top, as she moved her hands to hold my cheeks, never once breaking apart. I love her so much.


Riley's POV

I lay beside James under the sheets, playing with his fingers, our bare legs intertwined. "I love you so much Riles." He told me.
"I love you too." I responded. "You know what." I said, still playing with his fingers.
"What baby?" He asked.
"I want to kiss you right here." I said lowering my lips to kiss his neck softly. "And here." I added, kissing one side of his chest. "And here." I kissed the other side of his chest. "And here." I said as I kissed both his biceps.
"Well baby, I wanna kiss you here." James said as he kissed my forehead. "And here." He kissed one cheek. "And here." He kissed the other cheek. "And here." He kissed my chin lightly. "And of course here." He kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle slightly. He pulled away and stared into my eyes deeply, as my laughter died down. "And here." He said softly, barely even a whisper, as he connected our lips. I kissed him back allowing our lips to move in sync as he pulled me on top of him.

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