Chapter 6- He's Back

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Riley's POV

I couldn't sleep. I was sitting by the window, watching the occasional car go down the street. I kept having dreams about the incident. That's what I call the Michelle thing. I watched a black car pull into the driveway across the street. Alex used to live in that house before he took the fall for us in the elderly lady situation. Then he got sent off to his great aunt and uncle, who supposedly were strict enough to stop him from hurting anymore people. Except he didn't hurt anyone. We did. But regardless he took the fall for us, even when we laughed at him everyday of his life. The black car in the driveway looked oddly familiar, and brought back memories.
A man around 65 stepped out of the car. He reminded me of Harry's uncle in Harry Potter, but older, and with greying hair. He confidently walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened, and Mrs. Rogers opened it, smiled politely at the man. My mom had told me someone was coming for Alex, but I hadn't expected someone so... scary looking. Mrs. Rogers and the man conversed for a couple of minutes, before Mr. Rogers appeared, smiling happily. He hugged the man, as Mrs. Rogers pursed her lips. I knew Mrs. Rogers didn't want her only son to go away, but Mr. Rogers seemed to think the idea was best. So Alex was being pulled from the studio and sent to his great aunt and uncles. I felt really guilty watching Alex appear in the doorway with his bags, a frown on his face. Everyone thought Alex had drove a car into an old lady, and needed mental help to stop him from doing anything else crazy. But the girls knew differently. I watched Alex carry his bags to the car, and climb in the front seat, as his mom called things to him, tears filling her eyes. "Riley!" My mother scolded, making me jump, and turn to face her. "Stop spying on the neighbours! Now go set the table."
I watched the car doors open, and was surprised to see the same man that had come a year and a half ago exit the car. I watched as Mrs. Rogers ran out of the house, happily as the passenger side door opened, to reveal Alex. He grabbed his bags from the trunk, and headed inside with his mother and great uncle, closing the door behind him. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed, losing my balance on the stool I was sat on, causing the stool and myself to fall to the floor with a bang.
"Riley. Go to sleep." A tired Stephanie told me, lifting her head from the pillow to look at me.
"Actually." I said, walking over to the light switch to turn the light on. The other girls lifted their heads from their pillows, squinting because of the light.
"Riley. Just go to bed!" Emily told me frustrated.
"This is important!" I persisted.
"Fine! What is it?!" Stephanie snapped, obviously annoyed and sleep-deprived.
"Alex Rogers just came back."

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