Chapter 15- See Her Again

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Riley's POV

I turned to my right so that my side faced the mirror, and looked at myself. My hands pulled the hem of my shirt over my stomach, so that it was bare, before I looked at it in the mirror. It didn't look any different. I put one hand on it, rubbing it slightly, while the other hand still held my shirt up. I heard talking outside the door, and before I had any time to react, Michelle had flung it open. "Are you ok, you've been in here for-" she started but cut herself off, looking at me. I dropped the hem of my shirt, letting it fall back in place as I removed my right hand from my stomach quickly. Her eyes darted from my face, which was full of anxiety, to my stomach, then back to my face, then to my stomach. She repeated this a couple times, as I stood frozen, staring at her as she watched me. My face probably showed so many emotions, surprise, fear, worry, anxiety. Michelle stepped inside, closing the door and turning the lock. "Riley what is going on?" She asked me, looking concerned.
"N-n-nothing." I stuttered nervously.
"Riley. I swear I won't tell. But I can tell this is eating you alive. Now please, spill." Michelle told me sternly.
"I-I think I might be pregnant." I told her shakily.
Later that day, what had happened in my dream happened. But instead of Derek winning, Michelle gave him a bloody nose with her punch. She was good at protecting me, I guess. All the girls did when it got serious. But I hated that dream because if she had missed, that would've happened, and I would be more of a mess than I already was.
"Here Riley." Michelle said, handing me the test. I had been too nervous to go buy one myself, so Michelle said she would. I took the test in my hands and slowly walked into the bathroom. After the waiting time was finished, I opened the door. "So?" Michelle asked.
"I haven't looked yet." I told her.
"Go on then." She said anxiously. I slowly took the test in my hands, and turned it over. 2 double lines stared back at me.
And from that moment on, I've made sure to be careful.


I felt someone push my hair out of my face as I opened my eyes. I rubbed them with my palms tiredly, letting them adjust to the darkness. When they finally did, I saw Michelle sitting on the bed beside me, softly stroking my hair. "Michelle?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded. "But how? You're missing? Where have you been?" I rambled.
"I can't answer. I shouldn't be here, but when I heard what happened to you I had to come." She told me softly.
"I'm sorry for leaving you in the woods." I said to her.
"It's alright. Just be more careful." She replied. Footsteps approached my door, and she stood up. "I have to go. I'll see you Riley." She told me, walking out.
"Wait! Michelle!" I called, but she had already left, walking down the dark hallways.

I've decided to do a little contest. The winner will get a character named after them, or will get to chose a name for the character, in this book, a sneak peek of my next book, which I'll post when this one is done, and get to name a character in the next book as well. All you have to do to enter is vote for this chapter, and comment their favourite song. I promise this won't be biased, I'll use a random selector.


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