Chapter 8- Starting to Faze Me

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Emily's POV

All through dance I had my mind on that text I got. It was making me really nervous, and I felt like whoever sent it was serious. Finally, at the end of dance I broke. "Steph. I need your advice on something." I told her, pulling her away from the others.
"Yeah sure. What is it?" She asked, probably thinking I needed to know how a scarf looked or something.
"Well. This morning-" I got cut off by a text. I looked at my phone, to reveal another creepy text message.
Unknown- Listen to me, or your little sister will bleed. Tell anyone anything about this, and she won't breath. Rethink you're decision of telling Steph.
I sighed, reading the text, and feeling my heart clench. "What did you want to ask me?" Steph asked.
"Um. This morning I thought I'd be sick, do you think it's because of Alex?" I asked her, coming up with something off the top of my head.
"Yeah. You were probably just nervous." Steph said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Steph!" Tiffany called. Steph smiled at me, and walked over to Tiffany and Giselle. I looked over at Riley talking with Chloe, laughing. I just hoped whatever this person wanted me to do was legal, and something that I wouldn't get I trouble for, because there was no way I was putting Riley's life on the line for it.

Riley's POV

I looked away from Chloe for a second, and noticed Emily looked at me worriedly. I was a little confused by it, but turned back to talking to Chloe.she came over, smiling, but I knew something wasn't right. I looked at her, worriedly. She shrugged, brushing it off. We communicated a lot without actually speaking. It's helped us read each other's emotions. She may be brushing whatever it is off, but I know somethings seriously bothering her, and I refuse to let it be. "Riles." I heard a voice behind me say. I smiled. Only one person called me Riles. I turned to see James standing there. "Ms. Kate wants us to practice our duet in studio B." He said. I nodded.
"See you at home Em. See you later Chloe." I said as I followed James out of studio A, and down the hall into studio B. He closed the door behind us, and smiled at me. "Ms. Kate didn't really want us to practice our duet, did she?" I asked him.
"No. But I wanted to practice what we did yesterday." He said, referring to sleeping together. I smiled.
"That can be arranged." I told him, bringing him in for a kiss.

Emily's POV

I was in squeezed, waiting for Riley to come down from her duet practice with James when my phone vibrated. It was another unknown text.
Unknown- Maybe your baby sister isn't as delicate as you think.
Attached was pictures of Riley in studio B with James. Riley didn't have a shirt on, and James was only in his boxers. And they were laying on the couch, kissing, with a lot of tongue.

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