Chapter 18- Back to Dance

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Emily's POV

Riley and I sat in the car, driving the 10 minute distance to the studio. It was pretty quiet, which wasn't usual. After reading her records, I hadn't spoken to Riley. The only sound was the radio, quietly playing in the background. "Ri." I said for the first time in 10 minutes. She looked up from her phone, almost seeming surprised by me speaking.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" I told her. "Even if you thought I'd get mad. I may be mad, but you'll always be my little sister, and I'll always love you." I added.
"Alright." Riley said, seeming confused by me bringing that topic up out of no where.
"And I'll do the same with you. You know, that one time when I said I was going to Kim's for a sleepover? I actually went to a party with Stephanie and Michelle. I don't exactly remember that night." I said truthfully. All I remembered from that night was drinking. Lots of drinking. "See. I can tell you anything, and I know you won't get me in trouble. What about you? Have anything you want to tell me?" I asked, trying to pry the pregnancy and abortion out of her.
"No." She said, holding the 'o' sound for a little time after.
"Oh." I said, disappointed that she wouldn't admit it. "Okay then!" I added, fake happiness in my voice.

Riley's POV

'Yeah Em, there is some things I want to tell you, and not get in trouble for. For starters, I actually did steal your American doll when we were little because I wanted one so bad, and I don't blame you for getting a little tipsy at a party last year, because I watched someone spike the punch at a different party, and never told anyone, although to be fair, I was 11 and I didn't know what they were doing. And one last thing, when I was 14 I slept with Derek, and got pregnant. So glad you won't tell anyone Em!' Was that what I was supposed to say to her? I think not. I sighed as we turned into an empty parking spot. 'Maybe she'll never know.' I thought to myself, as I opened my door.

Chloe's POV

We had just practiced our semifinals routine for Nationals for the 5th time, when we heard the door creak open. I turned, to see the familiar face of my best friend. "Riley!" I called happily, as we all slowly came out of our end pose, and walked over to her. I hadn't seen her since I went to the hospital with a couple other people, which was 5ish days ago, and I had missed her. I hugged her, and smiled. "When did you get discharged?" I asked.
"This morning." She replied happily. I was about to say something else, when we heard miss Kate speak.
"Riley. Nice to see you again." She said as she walked out of her office. We spent the rest of rehearsal catching Riley up, and telling her the latest drama at the studio. It was fun, but the more I was with her, the more I thought about how she warned me at the hospital.

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