Chapter 16- Theories and Fake Books

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I'm having a contest for those of you who don't know. All you have to do, is vote for this chapter, and comment your favourite song. If you've already entered, don't worry about doing it again. The contest closes April 1st, and I'll announce the winner in the next update. If you want to know what you win, read the authors note at the end of the last chapter.

Riley's POV

"Riley. Riley wake up!" Emily said as she shook me awake. I opened my eyes and groaned.
"What is it?" I questioned tiredly.
"Riley! The police know who did this to you. And they have suspicions on what happened to Michelle!" Emily said, sounding almost panicked.
"What?! Who?!" I asked, sitting up quickly.
"Careful. Don't rip your stitches." Emily warned. I rolled my eyes at her, as she put some pillows behind me.
"My stitches are in my head Emily." I told her. This time she rolled her eyes at me, before continuing.
"According to fingerprints on the bottle, and no sign of forced entry, it looks like you attempted suicide." Emily explained.
"What?!" I asked. "You don't believe that do you?!" I continued to question.
"Of course not. It's stupid. Someone framed us. Made it look like you did it." Emily told me.
"Why would I attempt suicide? I have a great family, I'm about to compete with the dust spot at a major competition, I have amazing friends. How could it look like I would commit suicide?" I asked, completely confused on what the police would see as motive of suicide.
"They found a fake diary in your room, filled with entries about how guilty you feel, and how she's never coming back, and it's all our fault, and you can't take it anymore." Emily rambled.
"Who's 'she' and what can't I take anymore?" I asked, obviously not following what Emily's saying.
"The diary says that we did something to Michelle. It doesn't say what though, or whether she's alive or not. But Riley, it makes us all look really guilty, it makes us sound really guilty. The closer to today the date gets, the more it makes you sound guilty. It sounds as though you're keeping all this a huge secret, and that you can't keep it anymore. That you can't live with it anymore. Riley it sounds like real, hard-core evidence, and it makes us look so guilty." Emily said. It was hard to digest it all. It was all coming at me so quickly. We supposedly hurt our best friend. What? Why would we do that? It's the stupidest logic ever. But if this diary was what Emily made it sound, then it seems like we would do that.
"According to the diary, why would we do that? No, forget the diary, what is the reason that we might possibly hurt one of our best friends?" I questioned.
"Before the day Michelle went missing, there are entry's in the diary about how she was mean to us, how we had almost no choice to be in the group, unless we wanted to be laughed at, how we all really hated it deep down, which obviously is completely untrue, but in the dairy it sound real." Emily told me. I nodded, agreeing with her, but deep down, I knew that I had actually thought some of those things at some point.

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