Chapter 40- James's "Killer"

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Riley's POV

I rolled over and looked at the clock. 10:30 am. Dance had started an hour and a half ago! Why hadn't Emily woken me up?! I then heard soft voices coming from the other side of the wall. Who was in Emily's room? I pulled the covers off myself, and walked to the hallway, and outside Emily's door. I was about to knock when I heard Emily's voice.
"I can't believe it was him." I heard her say. I stood still, absolutely frozen as I listened to her conversation.
"When are you gonna tell her?" I heard Chloe ask.
"You have to tell her soon! If you don't, the whole studio will know and she'll find out through someone's conversation. That would be terrible!" Tiffany exclaimed loudly. I heard multiple people shh her, signalling she is supposed to be quiet.
"I'm going to tell her, but not the day after she got back. And keep your voice down! I don't want her knowing that Eldon killed James! Not just yet." Emily whisper-yelled at Tiffany. I gasped as I backed up and hit the table in the hallway, causing the lamp on it to fall to the ground, breaking.
"What was that?" Giselle asked quickly. I looked around, before running into my room, closing the door as footsteps entered the hallway.
"Is anyone there?" Stephanie asked. "Riley?" I silently ran back to my bed, and crawled in, pulling the covers up to look like I hadn't moved. I closed my eyes as I heard the door click open.
"Riley? Are you awake?" Chloe asked. I heard her approach my bed, before the weight shifted, and she sat beside me. "Riley." She said, shaking me slightly. I rolled over, opening my eyes slowly, looking up at her.
"Yeah?" I asked her, trying my best to look like I had just woken up.
"Did you hear that crash?" She asked me.
"What crash?" I questioned as a response.
"Never mind. Did you just wake up?" She said, changing the subject. I nodded. It was silent for a while, before Chloe stood to leave.

Chloe's POV

"Chloe wait!" Riley called. I turned to look at her, waiting for her to say something. "Be careful with your shoes. All of them." She said warningly. I nodded, confused.


I was in studio B. I decided I'd rehearse some, to get my mind off of the fact that one of my friends killed another one of my friends. I'd be in the music room, since it's bigger, but I don't want to go anywhere near the costume closet. I finished warming up, and walked over to my dance bag, grabbing my pointe shoes. I don't get a lot of time to practice pointe on A troupe, so I use my own time to practice it. I put my right foot in, and felt pain pierce my foot, letting out a gasp of pain. I pulled it out quickly, to see blood covering my foot as my new cut bled. I looked in the toe of my shoe, to see a mirror shard taped in place, resembling a jagged A, the shard now covered in blood. My blood. Is this what Riley meant? I thought to myself.

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