Chapter 2- The Elderly Woman Mistake

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Riley's POV

I had been in James's car for about 15 minutes, and we were nearing my house. I sighed as I watched an elderly woman step onto the road about 100 meters in front of us. I don't care if she's 80, she should still follow the rules of the road when crossing. We were approaching closer, and I was starting to get worried. 20 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters. "James look out!" I shouted, and his eyes snapped to the older woman less than 5 meters away.
We were all driving in Michelle's car, headed to her house. She was the only one with a car, and her house was a good 20 minute drive from dance, so we all squeezed into the car. We were all laughing about what Alex had done at dance today. He had attempted a flip, and landed on his back. I felt bad for him because it must have been so embarrassing, but when you're in this group you either laugh, or get laughed at. Michelle and Tiffany, who were in the two front seats, turned to speak to us. I looked out the window, and saw an elderly woman crossing the road ahead of us. We were approaching closer and closer by the second, Michelle too busy talking to notice. Finally, less than 5 feet away I said something. "Michelle look out!" I screamed. She snapped her attention back to the road, but it was too late. We had run into the woman, and knocked her down. She slammed her foot on the brake before anymore damage could be done, and out the car in park, climbing out. We all followed her.
"Oh god." Emily said, looking at the woman lying on the road. No inhales or exhales coming from her. No sound of struggling breath.
"We killed her!" Giselle exclaimed, her hand flying to cover her gaping mouth. Michelle's head snapped up, and she looked around, spotting Alex Rogers from dance. She turned to us.
"I'll handle this. Stay away from the car and act like bystanders. And someone call 911!" She told us sternly, before walking in Alex's direction. About 5 minutes later they were still conversing, and the emergency vehicles were gonna be here soon.
"Riley go tell her to hurry up." Emily instructed.
"Why me?" I exclaimed, not wanting to get on Michelle's bad side more than I already was.
"Because I told you to, and in older so I get to tell you what to do." Emily told me. I sighed, walking over to Michelle and Alex.
"Riles?" James asked worriedly, bringing me back to reality.
"Huh?" I asked, noticing a change of scenery. "What happened to that woman?" I asked him, looking around for her.
"She's back there. You zoned right before we stopped. Lucky I didn't hit her, although she was asking for it, crossing the road when the lights red." He told me. I breathed a sigh of relief. 'It's all in the past' I though to myself.

Sorry guys!! I completely forgot to update!! Ugh!!

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