Chapter 36- New A

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Riley's POV

"What do you say Riley? You'll have the chance to get back at whoever you want, it'll keep you safe, you'll be-" Beth started to say, trying to persuade me.
"Stop talking. I'm in." I told her. She smiled, and looked over to see the police officer come back in, meaning the girls weren't going to be too far behind.
"I'll text you." She said, before leaving me alone again.
I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked awkward, and wrong. Black definitely wasn't my colour. I turned to the side, the baggy hoodie kept anyone from being able to tell if I was female or male. I looked over at the table, where leather gloves sat. I walked over and pulled them on, then pulled up the hood of the hoodie. This is the new Riley.

Chloe's POV

Kate watched as we danced. She did her best to show a smile, but I knew as well as she did that this was a mess. I mean, the spacing was entirely off because 2 people were missing, at one point James was supposed to do a solo, that is, if he was still able to do a solo, then Riley's supposed to be doing a lift with Eldon, then there's a partner section and 2 people are missing partners. It's all a mess. We can't blame anyone though. James is dead, so we can't do anything about him, and Riley's so heartbroken, even though she won't admit it, plus no ones seen or heard from her in 2 days. We're all trying to accommodate for her parts, but then we just kind of have to re-choreograph the whole dance because of James's parts, and we can't do it without Riley either. It's just all one big huge mess. "Alright guys stop." Miss Kate said in the middle of the dance. She inhaled, before speaking again. "Alright. You can just go. See you tomorrow." She said, resting a hand on her forehead. She was stressed. We were stressed. But it wasn't anyone's fault. Except for A's. If A hadn't ever existed, James would be alive and Riley would be here. That's all I'm saying.


Riley's POV

I stood in the forest with the hood up, staring at the ground. I heard an owl hoot from above as I scrolled through photos Beth had sent me on my phone. I heard footsteps, before the person spoke. "It's all an entire mess. The dance I mean. And Riley's M.I.A." The voice said.
"I know." I answered, still staring down.
"Riley?" The voice asked, shocked as I looked up to the familiar face.

James's POV

The hooded figure looked up and I met eyes with Riley. "Why'd you do it?" She asked me. She had a heartbroken look in her eye as she said it.
"Beth told me I could keep you safe if I helped her. I didn't think, I just wanted to protect you." I told her. She avoided my eyes, and I thought she was going to get mad at me, but then all of a sudden, her lips were on mine, kissing me. And I was kissing back.

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