Chapter 23- Are You Going to Give It to Us or Not

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It was sometime around now that I first joined wattpad 2 years ago, and sometime around now that I posted my first ever chapter and story. In the past 2 years, I've gotten over 8,000 people adding it to their library, which I cannot believe. I know 8,000 isn't that much compared to other stories, but I didn't think I'd get past 500 people reading it. Thank you so much to everyone that reads my stories, and votes and comments, and follow me. It means a lot. I especially want to thank my friend who introduced me to wattpad, as well as TNSJiley_Infinity who was the first person, other than Sara, to follow me, as well as @Hypotashio who always votes and comments for my books, and jameshair for following me, and ever since, voting on every single chapter of any book I've ever posted pretty much. Thank you again to anyone who reads this book, and I'm posting this chapter today, early according to the schedule I never follow, as a thank you for all of you. This is getting really long, so I'll stop here.
Kirsten xx

Riley's POV

I sighed, before ringing the doorbell to Derek's mansion. I didn't want to be here, but it was the only way to get $10,000 in such short notice. Plus, I had Emily with me, he wouldn't say or do anything he wasn't supposed to with them there. Elodie, the head maid, opened the door. She was strikingly young to be working as a head maid for the family, but I knew Derek's dad promoted her because he likes her. Like, really likes her. 'He has a thing for short blonde hair' Derek had once told me. "Riley, ma amie!" She exclaimed in her French accent, leaning forward to kiss both cheeks. "And ta amie!" She said when she noticed Emily walking down the steps to kiss Em on both cheeks, like she had with me. "It's been tres miserable without toi." She told me. "Derek is in his chambre." She informed us, opening the door wide for us to enter.
"Merci Elodie." I said to her, as I walked in. We made our way to Derek's room, and arrived to find his door open.
"Riley." He said as he saw me enter. "And Riley's sister." He added as he spotted Emily.

Emily's POV

"What has it been? 2 years?" Derek questioned Riley.
"Not long enough." She responded.
"Watch that attitude of yours. I'm choosing to help." He told her, before continuing. "Last time I saw you, you were-"
"Shut up!" Riley cut in, sounding angry already.
"There's that attitude again." He taunted her, but he moved on from the previous topic. "You said you wanted $10,000." He said, making sure to look her dead in the eye.
"That's right." Riley said, staring right back.
"Why should I give it to you of all people? I could definitely use it for something more interesting." He spoke.
"Are you going to give it to us or not?" Riley asked through clenched teeth.
"I will. But not without conditions." Derek announced. "When will you need it?" He asked.
"Tomorrow." Riley replied.
"Short timeline. I'm sure I'll come up with something to repay you for that." He said, as he scribbled on papers on the table beside him with a fancy pen. I was too far away to see whatever he wrote, but I saw Riley looking over it carefully, her being only 2 feet from him to make her look more confident.
"Deal." She stated, holding out her hand for him to shake. They shook hands, and Derek crumpled up the piece of paper he'd scribbled on.
"I'll have the money for you tomorrow then." Derek said, walking away and around a corner, disappearing.
"Let's go." Riley told me, sighing, as she began to walk out of the room into the hallway.
"Yeah. We have dance anyways." I replied, following her out.

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