Chapter 41- The Funeral and The Warning

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Chloe's POV

It was a couple days later, and we were all at James's funeral. It hadn't started yet, but it would soon. I looked across the room, to where Riley stood, talking with Debra and Piper. I had to ask her about the warning she gave me a couple days ago, it was burning a hole in my brain. When Debra and Piper left to greet guests, I saw it as my perfect chance. I headed over to Riley. "Hi." I smiled at her.
"Hey." She replied.
"I have to ask you something. Remember when you told me about looking in my shoes, how did you-" I started to ask, but got interrupted by Debra.
"Girls, the funerals about to start. Why don't you come sit up front with me, Riley?" She asked. Riley nodded and walked with her to the front. Guess that wasn't my chance.


Riley's POV

I wrapped my arms around James's neck as we kissed. I laughed, pulling away slightly. "For a dead guy, you sure kiss well." I joked.
"How many dead guys have you been kissing?" He asked me, joking as well, before we reconnected our lips. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind, and I pulled away from James.
"James. Wait." I said, looking down.
"What is it?" He asked concerned.
"I-it's just that. Well, E-Eldon's getting blamed for your, er, your murder." I told him, stuttering slightly. He stared down into my eyes for a while, completely still, before pulling away from me.
"Why?" He asked, without looking at me.
"I don't know. Everyone knows, I think. No one knows I know, I was spying on Emily's conversation and found out, but no one knows that. They think I think it's still a mystery." I explained. He nodded.
"We have to stop this." He said.
"How?" I asked. James shook his head.
"I don't know, but we can't let him take the fall for something that didn't happen. He's my best friend." He explained. He suddenly turned to face me, looking me in the eyes. "I have to go back. I have to show them I'm alive so they release him." He said quietly.
"You can't. You won't be able to pin this on Beth, people will think you didn't want to be around them, and that this was your escape route. It will ruin you." I told him.
"I can't let Eldon take the blame either though." He said. I sighed.
"Give me 3 days, and if I don't have evidence that Eldon didn't do it, we do it your way." I offered. James looked at me, before holding out his hand.
"Deal." He said as we shook hands.

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