Chapter 46- Tell The Police

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Riley's POV

"You need to slow down. How did you know I was there? Why wouldn't you tell anyone?" I asked, trying to get Amanda to stop running. We had nearly been caught by A, but luckily escaped.
"I'm still at Elite. Lucien found out about the A team, and decided to make me join, to help keep The Next Step from making it to Nationals, but I felt too guilty. I knew I had to help you, because, I was kinda the reason you were there." She said, looking down at the last part.
"I was away from my friends, locked in a room with nothing, because of you?!" I exclaimed. Amanda nodded, guiltily. "Unbelievable." I mumbled to myself. "You better know where Michelle is, seeing as you probably did this to her as well." I told her.
"I have a hunch." She explained. "But I don't know for sure." I looked around, and noticed we were by the motel James was staying at.
"Come with me. We'll need to make a plan later. But now, you're telling me everything you've done." I said as I headed for the motel. I heard a snap of a branch, and whipped my head around, but there was nothing behind me. We continued walking, but I could hear more than 2 pairs of feet walking. I put my arm out, abruptly stopping Amanda.
"What're you-" She started before I cut her off.
"Shh!" I whispered sternly. We heard a could footsteps behind us, before they stopped. We looked at each other, and took a step, before stopping, hearing the footsteps behind us again. "1, 2...3!" I said quietly, turning to see the last of a dark figure whip behind a tree. I stepped closer to the tree, glancing around it, coming face to face with Derek.
"Boo." He said, quickly grabbing me. I heard Amanda scream, and saw Beth had snuck up behind her and done the same. "I knew we should've kept you down with Michelle." Derek muttered, as I was lifted off the ground, and he started walking back to wherever it was I had been held.

Emily's POV

Riley's been gone for a while, and I was worried. I was pacing back and forth, as the other girls talked. We had all been hanging out, but I was too distracted. "Em!" Stephanie snapped.
"Huh?" I asked, getting dragged back into reality.
"You've been pacing for 15 minutes. What's up?" She asked me, almost sounding worried. I took a deep breath, before speaking.
"I think we should tell the police about A." I said.
"Are you crazy?!" Chloe yelled. It surprised me, she was normally very calm. The others looked at me with a shocked expression.
"All they're going to do is lure us in, before taking us. If we stop it now, or tell someone, maybe they could trace the cellphone and find out where A is hiding Riley and Michelle." I explained.
"They might not even be in the same place." Giselle said.
"It's worth a shot." I argued. It was silent before Tiffany spoke.
"Fine. We'll tell the police and see what happens." She finally announced.

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