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The curly haired guy followed me and my dad opened the door. he looked mad at me and than looked confused at harry.
" Hi dad " and i stept inside and harry followed me.
" Who's this stranger louis?"
I looked at harry and my stomach was doing weirdthings.
" I'm harry , nice to meet you" and he shaked the hand of my dad.

Verry social guy. Like him.
" I'm Troy, nice to meet you to?"
I giggled and harry looked at the floor.
" How did u know eachother? From school or?"

Harry and i looked at eacother and giggled.
" Ye-ah school" i said and grabbed harry's hand en get in the room.
Iblushed when he saw our hands in eachother.
His hands are so soft.
" HI THIS IS HARRY" i yelled and my sisters looked up.

He waved and let myhand fall.
" omg nice hair you have there"
" u cute"
They all ran to him and said their name.

" Wait ! This is the postman?" Phoebe said. And harry blushed.
" Something like that"
" A handsome postman" Lottie said and winked at me.
I looked angry at her and she giggled.

Maybe she knows i'm a little bit gay. Like im diffrent. Maybe she sees it.
" So louis, you have now a friend to go to party with! " felicite said
" yeah !" Lottie yelled.

I sheaked my head.
" I-dont know"
" i like party's! What kind of party is it?" harry said.

Wow we just met. And i only know his name and job and now he's gonna party with me. Well okay. I like to party with him.

" A holiday party because its holiday " lottie said.
" How old are you than harry?" I asked.
" I'm 19" and he waved his hair.
I blushed. Stop . That hair. Its beautiful.

" see only two years younger than u and he's 18 +! " felicite said.
" perfect!" Phoebe said.
" You are 21?" Harry asked and looked at me.
" Yeah iam"
" y-ou dont look so old lik-"
" iknow he's small as fuck" phoebe said.

" DONT SWEAR!" Felicite said and harry laughed.
" Harry is freaking tall" lottie said.
I looked at him and he at me.
" However, i like you and i like to party with you" he said.

Omg. What a cutie.
" WELL LETS PARTY!" Lottie yelled and the girls ran upstairs.
" is it tonight?" I asked my dad
" No tomorrow"
" Oh okay"

" SHIT MY MOM!" harry said while looking at his phone.
"Whats with ur mom?"
" She doesnt-" he stopped with talking and looked at me and back at his phone.
" Doesnt what?"


Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now