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Harry and i walked to phoebe her room. She was sitting on her bed with her favourite toy. A bear called Teddy. Verry original. Muchwow.

" Come phoebe! We'll go to the playground"
Phoebe smiled "yay"
But than she looked sad at her toy.
" Can teddy come with me?"
Harry and i looked at eachother and nodded.
" Ofcourse he can! Come on" and we ran downstairs.

I saw my stephmother and dad talking with seriousfaces. I rolled my eyes and focused on phoebe. She did her jacket on and Harry helped her with her shoes.
" There you go, do you have a scarf? Its verry verry cold " harry said childishly to her.
She nodded.
I smiled and grabbed out.
I did it on her and Harry and I walked hand in hand out.
Phoebe was walking like 16262 meters before us.

" Are you good with kids?" I asked Harry.
Harrry smirked. " I love kids, i dont know if im good with them. I'll do the best for them. "
" Awee thats so cute haz"
Harry rolled his eyes.
" A SNOWMAN A SNOWMAN" phoebe yelled.
To late she broke the snowman. Rip.
I shaked my head and ran to her with lefting my hand in harry's.
" Phoebe!! Some people worked really hard at this and now its gone . Thats not so sweet of you young lady"
She looked down with a sad face and a tear left her face.
" I hate snowmans"
" Why love ?" I said and holded her shoulder
" I had a nightmare about them"
I signed.
" Come, lets walk to the playground"
She nodded and i looked over my shoulder.
Harry has turned around?
I squeezed my eyebrows.
Harry fastly turned around and i noticed he had a big snowball in his hands.
" OHGOD NO" i began to run for my life.
I could hear Harry laughing.

I ran so fast as i could to the playground where i saw phoebe on the swing.
Harry was now really close and i was out of breath.
Phoebe noticed it and laughed verry hard.
And woops i stumbled upon a large branch and fell on the ground .
" GOT YA " I heard Harry shouting and i wanted to run but Harry was already in front of me and before I knew I was hit.
Phoebe and Harry were laughing really hard while i shaked my head to get the snow out of my hair.
" WELL THANKYOU HARROLD" i said and splitted some snow out of my mouth
" Hahahhahaahah no problem"
I grabbed some snow and pulled it in a huge ball
" But - its not game over yet" i said and harry's eyes became big.
"HEHEHEH" i yelled and harry began to run and we were running like idiots around the playground.

I hide behind a tree to wait until Harry came over.and yes .
" PAYBACK " I laughed and threw it full in the face.
Harry yelled something and catched the snow away.
" I thought you wasn't that smart " harry said while doing a hairwave.
I blushed.
" I can be" and i brushed some snow off his cheeks.
His pinky cheecks and curly hair made him look so cute now.
" Wait you have something in youre eyebrow" harry laughed and he pulled it away.
I smirked and looked around if phoebe was still there.
But within a second there was snow in my face.
"HARRY FUCKING STYLES" i yelled and he laughed and helped me with pulling the snow away.
" Sorry its to funny" he said and pushed me against the treee

I smashed some snow out off my hair in his face and we laughed.
" You know we have to go to phoebe"
I said and signed.
Harry bited his lips and looked at Her.
He shaked his head.
"She has Teddy" and he grabbed my ass
I bitedmy lips to hold the moan in.
" Harry we are standing in a fookin playground"
"Couldn't help it. You just look to tasty in this snow against the tree"
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
I looked at his lips and he at mine.
" You win" i said and grabbed his head.

' dingdingding' When our lips where about to touch eachother my phone ringed. I signed , holded back and we laughed.
" Lottie" i said and harry smirked.
" Just take it"
" Yeah sis?" I said when i accepted the call.
" Louis, is phoebe with you and harry?"
"Yes she is. Were playing in the playground"
" Oh , good thankyou! Have fun "
I looked at harry and smiled.
" Wait lottie?"
" Yes ?"
" Can you pick her up? Harry and i wanna be alone together"
Harry smiled and began to stroke my cheecks.
" Ermm okay? But you can just bring her home an-"
" Just pick her up"
" Okay than " she said and laughed.
" Thankyou so much, bye!"
" Laterss"
And i pulled my phone away.

" So where were we?" I said and harry smiled , leaned forward and we kissed.

Hello xoxo i had a great weekend and my tentames are over! Its tomorrow monday again eww school..
I wish everyone a good week and goodluck on school/ work or whateverzz xoxxo ❤️❤️❤️

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