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-That night-

I woked up from a annoying noice that sounded like my alarm.
What the hell it morning? I schocked and opened my eyes. I fastly grabbed my phone and did the volume off.
My dad?
I looked at Harry and hoped i didn't woke him up. I smiled. He's sleeping really deep.
I looked back at my phone and took it.
" Dad?" I whispered looking at the clock that saying 4am.
" Louis, can i talk to you? " he whispered.
" Ermm.. Ya why? Whats wrong" i said looking at Harry.
" Can you come to the workroom without waking Harry up?"
" Ermm okay" and he hong up.
I was a little confused.
My dad calls me never at midnight.
It must be serious.
it might be nothing to do with me and Harry huh ?

I signed and rubbed in my eyes. Carefully i stapped out of bed.
" Shit" i murmled when i realised i was naked.
I fastly did a boxer on and my pyjama.
Without making noices i opened the door and walked to the workroom.
My dad was sitting there with a worried face and he looked not verry well. Well its 4am but however he doesnt look happy.

I slowly opened the door and waved at him. He smiled.
" Sit down boy" and i sat next to him.
" So, whats wrong" i said and stroked my hair.
A deep sign left his mouth.
" Louis, its not about you and harry-"
I smiled. Good.
" its about me and youre stephmother"
My eyes became big.
A tear left his eyes.
"Dad, why are you crying? Please explain me !!" I shouted.
" Shhh, not so loud"
I rolled my eyes.
" She.. She doens't agree with the fact that my son is gay"
I schocked.
"but yesterd-"
" She finds it verry weird and she cant accept it. I don't know what to do louis"

I putted my head in my hands.
" Do you have a fight with her?"
He nodded.
"Fookin hell dad please" i said and signed.
" She hates gay couple, she finds it gross"
" What the hell she is-"
My dad looked at me with a bitch face.
" Sorry. I can't help it i felt for harry"
" Iknow.."
" Well go back to sleep im really tired and my hazzabear is alone in my hugebed" i said when i stood up and gave him a wink.
" I didn't sleep. I have a headache but i will take some pills"
I nodded. " Take care"
He waved and i left.

He had a fight with his wife about me. That is the first time. Ugh i hate that woman. She can die.
I opened slowly the door and a smile came on my face when i saw Harry sleeping really cute. His curls were fluffy. He drowned in the towels as a wurm and his mouth was a little bit open.
I took my pyjama off even if it was cold and jumped carefully in bed.
Harry was murmling something and his hands were now above the towels.
I slowly grabbed harry from the back and kissed his hair.
" I love you" i whispered and closed my eyes.

Wow this was really random :') hope u liked it ! I had a little bit insperation xoxoxo

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