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"Wake up"
" Loulou"
I woke up from a voice and opened slowly my eyes. A curly haired guy with icetea in his hand stared at me with a smile on his face.
" Sorry that i woke u up but do you want something to drink babe?"
I yawned and nodded than.
" Tea" i said and harry nodded.

The flight attendant came by with a car full of drinks and food.
" A tea and a coffee please " Harry asked and she gave us it.
I looked at him with a sign who need to pay.
He rolled his eyes.
"I'll pay dumbass" and he gave the money.
" Thankyou" and she left.
I could see Harry stared at her ass when she walked away.
I let a deep sighn and grabbed my tea.

Harry stared of out the window with plitted eyes.
" You know, were almost there"he said
" Ohyeah? how long "
" About 20 minutes"
I nodded and grabbed my phone and scrolled down the songs.
I closed my eyes and grabbed Harry's warm hand.
" Wake me up when were there" i whispered.

We arrived in paris and the sun was shining in our faces when we left the plane.
" Parisssssss" i yelled.
" Ouch, my ears hurt"
I giggled.
" there you would still suffer from the next 2 days . until they are open. it comes from the pressure." I said and Harry sighned.
" What a awfull thing"

We walked hand in hand to the place where our suitcases arive.
" This always takes so long, we have to wait until we see our s-"
" MY SUITCASE" i yelled and ran to it.
That was faster than i thought.
" It always takes so long u said?" Harry giggled.
" Ha, wait for yours"

When we got our suitcase we waited for a taxi. It was really busy so we sat down on a couch there outside.
" You have my sunglasses right?" Harry asked.
I nodded and grabbed my bag with his sunglasses in it.
" There you go" i said and gave it to harry.
He smiled and putted it on.
I putted my sunglasses on to.

" I'm gonna ask my mom that we are safe" Harry said and i smiled.
" Awe, baby little boy" i said and squeezed his cheecks.
He rolled his eyes and started typing.

" Hey, mom we arrived. the weather is beautiful here and were now waiting for a taxi. everything is going well. Lots of love. X" he murmled.
I smiled and gave a kiss in his hair.

" Need a taxi?" we looked up and there was a taxi left.
We ran to it and he putted our suicases in it.
We stept in the taxi and it was really hot in it.
" Were can i go to ?" the taxi driver said in a france accent.
" Hotel La Trèmoille" i said.
Harry smiled and gave me kiss on my cheeck.
" Youre france is good lou"
I got my eyebrows
" i always loved the language"

Harry payed again and we left the taxi.
" Ohmy-"
Our mouth felt open when we were standing in front of the hotel.
" God" harry fisished.
We looked at eachother and smiled.
" how hugeee" Harry yelled
I grabbed his hand and we ran inside of the hotel.
" I - i dont know what to say. it looks even more bigger in real" i said.

" Young mans? can i help you?"
Why do they always call us young mans?

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now