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" HARRY LOUIS " phoebe  shouted.
I murmled something.
She opened fastly the door and i opened fastly my eyes.
I looked at the towel that was half of us.
I fastly pulled it over our body.
" Shit naked shit naked shit naked" she yelled while pulling her hands to her eyes while running away.
I blushed and harry lefted a giggle.

" PHOEBE WHAT ARE YOU DOIN ?" I heard lottie screaming.
I looked at harry and signed.
" My sisters are more annoying than youre only sister"
Harry rolled his eyes and smiled.

" What even is the time?" He said while streching him out.
I looked at my phone that was only 3%
" 2  pm oops " i said while slabbing my hands to my face.
" Do we have important plans today?"
I thinked and shaked my head.
" Well lets spend time in this bed than the whole day " he said and gave me a kiss on my lips.
I smiled and played with his curls.
" Good idea" i said.
Harry smiled and enjoyed how i was playing with his curls.

" Louis?" Harry said after a quiet minute.
" Yes love?"
" I just was thinking... Maybe we can live together soon"
My eyes became big.
" A cozy housse just where ever we wanna live, a bath , sauna, douche and just everything that we can wish"
I signed and smiled.
" That sounds so great Harry.. "
" But?"
" But - what is soon for you?"
" Oh, dont mind just 2 years or something " and he gave me a kiss on my cheeck.
" I would think about it hazz. I would love to live together with you "
Harry smiled and i stopped playing with his hair.
" I wanna wish you everynight a goodnight, wanna wish you a goodmorning. And just alot of cuddles and kisses" Harry said that made me blush.

Just imagine. Living together with my lover. That sounds perfect doens't it?
" I want that to Harry, i want that to" and i gave a kiss on his forhead.
" If there is a douche in it m happy" i finished.
" Oh not alone a douche, just everything we can wish for"
I smiled.
" Do you think i'm rich hazz"
He rolled his eyes.
" No, but my mom is" and i laughed.
" We will find that out next year or something . First i wanna enjoy this lazy day with you"

He looked at me and i at him. We smiled at eachother and he kissed my lips.
" Oh , but last thing. A good bed . Because i'm a beast inbed with you" he said while stroking my face.
My stomach felt upside down and a shock went though my whole body.
" Damn Harry. Pls"
Harry laughed.
"I only said the truth lou"
I rolled my eyes.
" This bed is perfect. Maybe we can-"
" Shhhhh harry enough about our dreamhousse" i said while pulling my lips on his.

He signed.
" I'm sorry how can you forgive me" he said with a puppy face.
I squeezed my eyebrows.
"Hmm.. " i said and closed my eyes and laughed.
" W-ha?" Harry said.
I stroked his body.
" You can give me my clothes because im cold" i said and smiled.
Harry signed " Okay" He said and facepalmed.

He gave me a white shirt and jeans.
" What about a boxer?"
Harry rolled his eyes.
" Thats the thing i always forget"
and he brang a boxer to me.
" Thankyou hazz" and i stapped out of bed.
Harry gave a slap on my bum and giggled.
I rolled with my eyes and putted my clothes on.

A knock left the door.
" Can i now come in?" It was phoebe.
I looked at harry and he nodded. Harry has his boxers on.
"Come in" i said and phoebe walked in the room.
" Good. No naked people. I wanna have some candy" phoebe said with a puppy face staring at me.

I smiled and grabbed her shoulders.
" Than eat  some candy"
She shaked her head.
" I want bubblegum but we don't have bubblegum"
Harry giggled.
I signed.
" Should we gonna buy some bubblegum than?"
Phoebe yelled and jumped.
Harry smiled at me.
"Harry needs to come to" and she closed the door.
" Sure girl"he said and i smiled at him.
"'OKAY" phoebe yelled.

" Youre a good brother lou" Harry said and stapped out of bed walking at me.
I nodded . " Iknow, iknow. And you are a good boyfriend" and i stood on my toes to give Harry a kiss. Our length diffrence was huge.
Harry smiled and grabbed my middle
I grabbed his face and we were standing in this position like ages.

hahahahahah my alarm goes in 9 hours hahahahaha and i should be asleep bc last day tentamens tomorrow hahahah. Sad.

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