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We shopped a lot. Actually harry payed a lot for me. I felt bad but i actually gonna pay the whole marry thing  so i can deal with it . We walked to our hotel. We have to leave in 3 days so we can sleep still 2 nights thats perfect. But i neeeed to buy a ring right nowww and call a restaurant, because i wanna purpose there. Gosh didn't know this costs so much stresssss. But i think we are ready for it.

" Um, you can go to our room , i think imma buy something from the adidas shop i be right back" I said when we were close to our hotel. Harry looked confused at me .
" Why didnt u said that earlier? its like 10 minutes from here?"
" Y-ah, i forgot, see ya love" isaid and gave him a quick kiss and left.
" Allraight, be carefull baby" Harry said and he walked in the hotel.
I took a deep breath. Pff thats fixed . Harry is in the hotel and i'm in the city ready to prepare for tonight. I need to write a speech too. I grabbed my phone and wrote a long special speech. Iknow harry don't expect long speeches from me because he's the one with longe speeches. So i think he's gonna be surprised. I also called the pasta restaurant that exists here and is really expensive and beautiful.

" Hi, with louis tomlinson i wanna make an appointment for two with the best seats."
" Hello, i write that down here, we have the best seats for u two. Is it a special dinner?" a man voice said sweetly.
" Thankyou , yes it is. I wanna purpose my boyfriend so i want it to be incredible"
" Thats wonderful my dear! Is 7pm a good time?"
" Thats perfect. Are there a lot people tho? Because i want everyone to hear my speech."
" There must be a lot of people. Don't worry. See you tonight with your boyfriend!"
" Thankyou so much, see you there bye"
" Goodbye!"

When i hong up i walked to a a jewerly that looked okay. " Bonjour " i said when i walked in with a nervous smile and they greeted back. i looked around and verry fast i saw the perfect ring.
" Gentlemen, where can i help u with?" a costummer said.
" Oh just looking around. I wanna purpose my boyfriend tonight. "
" Wow, so its a quick choice huh?" a women said with a smile. I looked up and smiled.
" Yes but i think i go for this one, how much is it?"
They showed me the price and i nodded. I take this one.
" Good! You can pay by me " a women said and i bought the ring.


When it was evening and we were ready to go out for dinner i got really nervous. I felt in my pocket if the ring was still the in the pocket. Yes it was .
" You look again fucking amazing, green suits u well." i said while kissing harry's hand.

Harry smiled and looked at the ground

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Harry smiled and looked at the ground. " Thankyou"
" You think i look good?" I said while biting on my nails.

 " Thankyou" " You think i look good?" I said while biting on my nails

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Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now