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I woke up from a sound.
The sound of childeren that were screaming and running.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my hand where no hand in was and my head on the grass.
I sat up with a shock.
" Harry?" i asked tomyself.
Ilooked around and looked at the childeren.

" COME ON !!" i heard a voice screaming. I regonized the voice. Harry is that u? I splitted my eyes to look better and yup. It was Harry.

A ' awh' left my mouth. He had a little girl on his back and childeren were jumping. It looked so cute. I love childeren but this. This is adorable.

" HEY LOUIS COME OVER" he screamed when he catched my look.
I signed and shaked my head.
Why not?

I stood up and ran to the childeren AND Harry. A smile came on my face.
" They are so cute!!" harry said and i looked down at a girl who touched my leg. I giggled. " They are"
" Hey little girl, do youlike touching my leg?" i said lovely and the girl giggled.

" Whats youre name beautiful lady"
" Veronica" she said a little bit shy.
" Ah! What a beautiful name u have"
and i grabbed her hand.

Harry smiled deeply. " Do you kids want some icecream?! " Harry screamed. All the childeren yelled and they followed Harry. I rolled my eyes.
" You don't even know whe-"

Without finishing what i was going to say they ran to the icebar. I signed.
"One for you"  he said when he gave the kids icecrean
" One for you"
" One for you"
" One for you"

" Let me help" i said and harry smirked.
" There you go"
" One for you"
" One for you" The kids were jumping around with a big smile.
" Lou, you want some to?"
I nodded.
" Last , but not least." he said and gave the icecream to me. I blushed.
" You w-"
Harry shaked his head.
I nodded and Harry payed it.
The kids thanked us and ran away.

" Kids are so lovely" i said.
Harry nodded.
" Iknow right, maybe we uh- need to adopt a child?"
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
" What? We would be great parents"
I smiled, leaned myself to a three and looked at my shoes.
" I dont know about that Harry.."
" We would be great parents?"
I shaked my head and licked my icecream.
" We are verry young Harry, i wanna be forever young, i dont wanna be a dad when im 20+are u crazy?"
Harry signed and shaked his hair.
" Okay, you are right. "
" We just dont know eachother for that long Hazz, we didnt even marry"
" I'm sorry" he giggled.
I rolled my eyes.

" Just wait for a few years. We will see. Now i just wanna enjoy our youngness"
" Omg i just imagined you in a suit" harry said and i blushed.
" Keep dreaming"
" You in a fucking suit. Ugh i think i'll will piss my pants of."
I laughed.
" Youre hair in a quiff and youre adorable smile"
" Stop it Harry"
" It would be so perfect"
I rolled my eyes.
" But i'll keep dreaming, ya.."

" You in a suit would totally be hot tho" i said while licking the last icecream away.
Harry smirked. " We'll both look hot"
" And stop licking icrecream like that"
I giggled " Why?"
" Because i'm jaelous of that icecream"
I blushed.

" Its alm-"
Within a second he smashed my icecream away and grabbed heavy my lips. We started to kiss verry rough and Harry pushed me agains the three.
" Not agai-n" i said out of breathe.
Harry gave a suckkiss in my neck and stroked my belly. I felt i was getting hard. I had seriously no control.
He moved us so nobody could see us only threes were the view.
" You smell like chocolate" he whispered. I nodded. " That was the icecream you gave me". " Ohyea"
" But baby let just dont do this here" i said with pushing him a little away.
Suprisely he agreed.
" I'm sorry im always that TO much"
" Its okay, i guess "
" Lets go for a walk?"
I nodded and grabbed his hand.

I love the rough side of Harry but  im a little done with blowjobs in a fucking park?!!


the first thing is i have vacation!! i did my exams and now i have to wait till the results. I hope i did good!!

i saw my internetfriends again and it was such a amazing day! I saw them for the 3rd time live?! how crazy . They played my favorite songs and i screamed my lungs out. i now miss them ( and my internetfriends) wish i could go to a concert everyday! Oh anddd i vlogged it! So if u havent checked out my youtube channel yet : its called ' just janet' and if u cant find it, just go to the link in my twitter bio: @Janet5sosx

Last but not least!!: i just saw a movie. a really, really good movie. The story is so good that i wanna make a fanfiction ab it. A ashton one i guess. The movie is called ' remember me' so i think im beginning my new book tomorrow!!

For now...
GOODNIGHT xoxoxoxox

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