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We heard a hard knock on the door.
I schocked and pulled the towels over us. Harry giggled. " Whos that?" he whispered. I shaked my head.

" Yeah?" I said and the door went slowly open.
It was lottie and felicite.
I signed.
" We are trying to sleep, can it please be a little softer?" Felicite said and Lottie giggled.

I rolled my eyes and Harry giggled.
" And you please leave now?"
" But-"
I wised at the door.
" L e a v e "
" Okay, take care" Lottie said and they closed the door while giggling.

I laughed.
"Little kids" and i rolled my eyes.
Harry signed and layed down on my chest.
" They are the same age as me , so i'm a little kid tho?" he said while laughing.
I squeezed my eyebrows together.
" Ofcourse you are hazz" and i tickled him in the side.

A adorable laughter fulled the room and his eyes became small and his dimples bigger. I tickled and tickled him and he rolled almost of bed.
" S-t-ahp" he couldn't even talk normal because he died from laughter.
" Little hazzabear" i joked and grabbed his face and squeezed his cheecks.
I was now above him.
He looked so adorable.

I smiled and Harry holded my face.
" Haven't i told you how beautiful u are" I said and gave him a kiss on his cheeck.
" Erm.. Let me think. Yes" and he blushed.
" You know? You look really hot in this moonlight" Harry said and i bited my lips.
" Come here " i said and harry's lips fastly went on mine.
We were kissing and kissing and i stroke his body while kissing him. He laughed during the kiss and i felt a cold hand on my back.
He threw me backwards and we were rolling over the bed.
" Handsome" he said and he left my lips. I blushed. He gave suckkisses all over my neck and i moaned.
" Youre body is so pretty"  harry said in a deep voice.
" I just cant stop kissing it"
" You don't have to stop though" i whispered.

When we took our pyjama on we jumped in bed again.
" I don't wanna lose you harry" i said when he closed his eyes.
" I don't wanna lose you to , i was so stupid, i could lose you, but look where iam now"
I signed and smiled.
" I don't let the love of my life go because a fookin dumb night"
" Thats so cute"
" Its true , you was a dick , a fookin dick but i dont wanna lose that dick"
Harry smirked.
" You have a dick"
I blushed and giggled. " You know what i mean harrold"
" Stop. Dont. Call. Me.-"
" Harrold"
Harry slept me in the face and i laughed.
" The name is Harry"
" harry , styles" i joked to sound like james bond.

He laughs. " Can we sleep now?"
I rolled my eyes.
" Hey, we had a funny conversation!"
" Sad" harry said and giggled.
" Okay than, were going to sleep little kid, should i tell you a bedtimestory?" And i played with his curls.
" You maybe don't see it but i'm rolling with my eyes now"
" Be carefull with youre beautiful eyes hazz, they are my fav thing on you?!"

Harry smirked.
" They are?" And he looked at me.
The moonlight was shining in his eyes that made them even more beautiful.
I nodded.
" Well, my favourite thing on you is youre adorable smile"
I blushed.
" Or the way you blush when i complimate you is adorable tho"
I gave him a kiss on his forhead.
" Hazz, ur amazing" i said and we ended up with hugging eachother to sleep.

I'm so lucky to have Harry. He is the best person i ever met in my whole life. He is the one and only love
of my life. He's the one i wanna get old with.

OHMYGOD AKAJDJSJSJSAJQSMSK AM I GOOD OR AM I GOOD ( actually m not) XOXOOOX i would be verry bussy with school but im doing mah best to update!

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