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Harry and i showered like a hour and it felt like years. We are now standing in our boxers , looking for some clothes for tonight. Because the party.

Harry was trowing his clothes though the bathroom with a stressed face.
I laughed and took my pants on.
" I seriously dont know what to wear i'm so done "

" Love, everything fits u" i said while looking at him standing like 2 meters behind him.
" aweeee" he said and he grabbed 2 blousses.

" Okay , help me to choose"
He holded them before himself and looked at me with a serious face.
One white blousse in his left hand and one black blousse with white stipples in his right hand.

" Ermm.. I'll go for the stipples, bc i think it will look cute on you"
He smiled and took it on.
" Okay- and what are you going to wear?"

I holded my shoulders up.
" I dont know " and holded my hand for my head and sighed.
Harry rolled with his eyes and walked to my bag.
" Let me look"
He grabbed a black adidas shirt out of it and looked at it and than at me.
" This one"
" You will look so hot in it" and he gave me a kiss on my cheeck.

I blushed " ermm , okay" .
I looked at myself in the mirror.
Did i looked like this the whole time?
I fixed my messy hair and smashed some water in my face.
" Need a towel?" Harry hold a tower at me and i grabbed it.
I depped my face off and my neck.

But than i schocked.
I saw.
Red things.
Alot suckkisses.
I blushed.
There were some big ones on my neck and some on my chest.
I saw that harry was looking at the mirror and saw me.
He giggled.
" never saw suckkisses before?" And he walked at me and holded his arms around my middle.
I shaked my head and bited my lip.
" Well, i did it good i see "and he touched with his finger one .

I giggled.
" God, that tickles" i said
" Really?" And he touched again.
" hahaha yeah" and he holded my arms.
" Well, get youre shirt on you bigass" he said  and squeezed in my ass.

I jumped of hurt and harry giggled.

" Ready?" I said when we were standing in front of the door and harry was grabbing his stuff .
" BYE MOM BYE GEMMA" he yelled and we stepped outside.
The cold was going though my whole body.
" Oh god, its so cold isn't it?" I said while harry was fixing his beanie.
He looked at me.
" Ahw baby is freezing" and he grabbed my cold hand.
I smiled while looking at our hands.

" Do you know the way to youre housse because ive forgot oops" he said when we left the street.
" Yes, its not that far" and i gave him a kiss on his cheeck.

Some childeren walked pass by and looked weird at us. I sighned.
" Its okay louis you'll get over it. They need to acccept were a couple"

I smiled akwardly and looked at the ground


its fkn midnight now its 3am and idk if u know ryannminajj (most adorable fanboy on the world ) but he said on youtube ( he's queen on yt: ryannminajj) that he was going to be live on younow. and i was like k nice. So i downloaded younow so fast as possible and omfg sjajajajJm i laughed so hard and enjoyed it bc he's just so cute ajdjajJk . So however. There were like 1K people watching it and the chat was so busy. But after a while people were lefting and no much people were talking. And aKkKjakk ryann was reading some things we all sended in that chat and i was like OML NOTICE ME. but he didnt. so i waited and waited. And i askes the most basic question ever: ' whats the time now where u live :))' and after a second he moved his fkn lips AND HE STARTED SJAJAJ TO READ IT JAAJAJ and i was like shaat thats my question so i was ab to scream but i couldnt bc everyones was asleep so i cried and KAKSKDJ HE ANSWERED MY FKN QUESTION I SHAKED AND I WAS SO SWEATY KWAKSKAK I LOVE RYANN SM

k had to tell you guys that bc he's a big directioner and larry af. Hes like me.

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