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" Hi its zayn a friend of louis, just wanna let you know he is here and he's ok- well okay?"

I schocked a little but didnt realised what was happening.
" U-h what do you mean with ' well okay?' He isnt hurted right?"
" hehe no, he is just a little drunk and we smoked abit but dont mind, he will come home"
" Oh"
" but he hasnt a brother so who are u?"
" Ehh.. A friend"
" Haha okay, well he will come home soon"
" O-kay thanks for calling back bye"
And he hang up.

I rolled my eyes.
" Was that harry?"
" Yeah it was harry i guess, he sounded really worried is he youre bestfriend or something?"
" Hehe no , he fucked me"
Zayn's eyes became big and laughed than.
" Look at these lovebites" i said while laughing and zayn ran to me and looked.
" Man, u have a girlfriend? Right?"
I shaked my head and laughed.
" no These are from Him u idiot"
" So u lied to me!!" Zayn yelled and smiled.
I laughed.
" ur fucking gay , ohgod" and he punched me.
I laughed verry loudly.

Two hours later i woke up.
I felt verry dizzy.
And i don't know where iam.
" Finally the gayboy is awake" zayn said and i schocked.
What ?
Than i remebered i went to Zayn
" Zayn? what happend and wow why i was asleep"
" You were drunk, smoked sisha and than felt asleep while laughing"
I shaked my head.
" No way! " i yelled and sat right up with my hands in mt hair.
" Its true man" and he wised at the empty bottles.

Ohmygod. I cant believe.
" What the hell is the time?" And he gave me my phone.
" 11 PM!!" I yelled
Zayn laughed.

I scrolled down my missed calls.
" Wait i called harry?!" I screamed.
" No i did, dont worry you were on the ground laughing at that time"

I blushed. This is so awkward.
" He was verry worried so i think u need to go"
I putted my hands in my hair.
" That you were here and you'll be home "

I signed and smiled than. " thanks bro"
" No problem man, but eh, you told me something weird shit when u were drunk. I dont know if it was true or just a lie. If it is true u lied . If it wasnt you ar-e erm nevermind"

My eyes became big and i shaked my head. " What the hell did i said"

" Okay, dont laugh okay" i looked confused at him.
" You said that harry fucked you and that he is youre boyfriend"

I felt that i was turning into a tomato.
" I-"
" Dont lie to me, i'm youre friend"
" Its true" i said and signed.
Zayn laughed.
" This is dope" he said.
" Iam not gonna tell you how, because it - it just happend "
" Okay .. Thats fine ! Im happy u didnt lie to my this time hehe"

And i gave him a brohug.
" Please dont tell anyone, okay?"
He nodded.
" Now i'll bring u home " and i smiled.

Well i just came out of the closet for one of my bestfriends. He prob thinks im weird now. We stapped in the car and my heart was beating away to fast. I looked atmyself in the car and i looked like haven't slept for years.

" I look so ugly what even" i said while fixing my hair.
Zayn started the car and rolled his eyes.

When we arrived at home i thanked zayn and he drived away.
I took a deep breath and unlocked the door so quiet as possible.
" Louis? Are u there?" It was my dad.
I signed and took my shoes en jacket off.

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now