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When we arrived at the airport , my stomach made a weird noice.
Than i realised i didn't make breakfast.
I signed.
" Im hungry , should we get some food?"
Harry giggled and nodded than.

It was so incredibly busy .
I looked around for signs and restaurants.
" McDonalds?" Harry said with a smirk on his face .
I shaked my head .
"No Harry , just bread "

We walked and walked  and finally got a place whith bread, coffee and coockies.
" Yas , thats what were looking for!" Harry said and i giggled.
I ran to the bread and grabbed a smoothie tho.
Harry grabbed only a smoothie and we payed or meal.

I just realise now how good Harry looks today. His hair looks perfect, his shirt fits him really well and his legs are looking verry skinny in his jeans.
" Are you comming lou?" Harry sat on a chair at a table.
I shaked my head and walked to him.
I sat down on the chair before Harry and looked before me.
I drowned in the beautiful eyes of Harry .
I bit my lip and Harry laughed .
" Is there something wrong?"
I shaked my head and took a bite of my bread.
" Are you nervous?"
I shaked my head again.
"Oh, for iam" and he drank his smoothie.
I smiled.
" You know i- im so thankfull to have you in my life. You make my day everyday. And my life a little bit better."
Harry's eyes became to shine and his cheecks became pink. A 'awe' left his mouth.
" I cant wait till were in paris and its getting even more perfect"
Harry grabbed my chin and leaned forward.
His soft lips touched the mine.
" I love you lou" he said and i smiled.
" I love you more"
Harry grabbed his phone and we made a selfie.

" Harry harry harry wait wait wait!" i yelled when we ran to our flight.
We were a little to late and i got lost in the public. Why am i so small?!
Harry stopped in front of the plane and yelled that i needed to hurry up.
When i finally arived he grabbed my hand we walked out of breath in the plane.
" Jeez " harry signed and threw our bags in a box.
I trew the sweat away from my forhead and we sat down at our sitplace.
A deep breath left my mouth.
" We made it" i giggled and harry laughed nervously.
" Aweee , ohh i almost forgot !"
Ive never seen Harry so nervous as now.
He bited his lip.
" Its youre 'first' flight"
Harry nodded and his hands began to shake.
"Hey, dont worry everything is gonna be allright" i said and grabbed his hand.
"Take a deep breath"
Harry did.
" And out"
He did it out.
He closed his eyes and signed.

After the statement harry squeezed in my hand.
" Were gonna fly were gonny fly were gonna fly" he said that made me laugh.
" Yaaaaaaay" i yelled when we were in the air.
Harry stopped with squeezing my hands and opened his eyes.
" See, its not that scary" and i gave a kiss on his cheeck.
He smiled and i saw he was a little bit calmer.

" Do you wanna listen to some music?" i said while holding my earphones up.
He nodded and we putted it in our ear.


Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now