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When we ate our breakfast harry sneezed. It was cute. His little sneeze.
" louis?" He said
" ya hazz"
" That party huh, is that tonight?"

My eyes became big and i grabbed my hair.
" Shit! I almost forgot!" I yelled and stood up and walked though the room.

"Hon, calm down"
" Whats the problem?"

I'm gay. My sisters gonna laugh me out.  I'll better go to a gaybar or something. I want a good party.
"lou? Relax jeez"  harry murmled.
I sighed and looked at him
" Sit down" he said while wising next to him.

" I-m sorry , i just . I just love party's and-"
" Take a breath" he said
I toke a long breath.
" Go on" he finished.
" My sisters.. They don't know i'm fookin gay okay?!" I said and let myself fall on the bed.
" So what? You dont have to feel like ur 'diffrent' or something. Ur louis and u have a heart and a taste of love so, dont care what people think and just live youre fuckin life".

I looked at him and than back staring forward.
" You said that beautiful. And i - think ur right.."
He smiled and grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss.

1000 of butterflies are flying in my stomach. He's right. I have a taste of love and that is now a boy. And i have to live my life.
" So, whitch club is it again?"harry said looking at his nails.
I grabbed my phone with my left hand because the right hand is in harry's.
" Let me scearch"

" In a club that is verry popular. The name is called ' mootz' and it looks hella good" i said squeezing my eyebrows together.

" Okay, and were going alone or?"
" erm.. No My sisters are going to with us, if u don't mind.. Well i find it verry uncomfy but theyre going where they wanna go and we are just dancing together you know. Just not. With them." I said with a cracking voice.

" i understand" he said and smiled.

I closed my eyes.
" I'm so tired though, i dont know " and i yawned.
" Ahww, baby is tired , poor loulou" he said while tickling me . I laughed.
" shut up curly" and catched a pillow at him.

He schocked and it made me laugh.
" Oh, dont u dare" and he catched it back with a big smile.
I grabbed it and catched it as hard as i could at him.
" ouchh!!" He yelled and jumped above me and tickled me realy fast.

I died of laughter. " h-arry ahahahahah harry ahahahhah"
" Payback!" He yelled.
At that moment the door went open and we bot stopped and looked at the door. A little giggle left my mouth.
" So youre boys having fun?" It was harry's mom.

Harry's cheecks became a little pink and he crawled of me. " A lot" louis said looking at me and i smiled.
" Good good, well i'm going with gemma to the mall , so take care of the housse will ya?" My mom said with a serious face looking at harry

" Sure, have fun mom love ya" harry said and she closed the door.

I giggled.
" I'm sweaty" harry said while sniffing.
I sniffed.
" Me to" and i laughed.
" Erm... Maybe we can take a shower?"

I blushed. " That would be great" i said and he took me up and we walked to the bathroom.

I WAS SICK A FEW DAYS ( Still a little) BUT M BACK AND I MISSED WRITING BUT I WAS TO TIRED TO WRITE ( even it is now almost 1am and i have school tomorrow).

Ily xoxoxoxo

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