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The sun was shining bright in my eyes and i don't know where iam going to.
Maybe first a breakfast somewhere.

My phone ringed.
I signed.
' Hazza❤️❤️ is calling you'
" Fuck the hell of" i whispered ant did the volume of and putted it in my pocket.

He hurted me. Even he was drunk. He hurted me. I loved him. Verry much. Well i do to. I dont wanna lose him from a stupid party.

I walked in a cafè where it was verrry empty. I putted my earphones in my ear and looked at the menu.
" Sir, what must it be?" said the waiter who came along.
" Sandwitch with 2 eggs please"
" And maybe a drink?"
" Water "
" Okay, thankyou" and i smiled and he left.

When i was about to grab my sunglasses , a hand touched my shoulder.
" Hey man!!"
I looked aside.
A smile came on my face.
To my surprise , it was niall . The blondehaired guy with whom I came in contact in the club.
" Niall!! What brings u here "
" We were shopping and i wanted to eat haha" and he wised at his girlfriend.
I smiled.
" Great" i said.
" Should we sit here or?" Niall asked to his girlfriend. " Okay" she said and they sat down next to me.
" Oh i dont know, if im that cozy now"
i said and signed.

Niall looked confused at me but than his mouth went in a 'o'.
" How- how is it going with you together?" He asked .

I signed.
" He forgot..."
Niall's blue eyes became big.
" He didn't!! No "
I nodded. " I explained it and than i left"
" Ohmy, no way" he said.
" Yea, we had a fight, i was really angry to him .. And i telled my sister about harry and i"
" Youre sister? And she's okay with it?"
" Yeah, its totally fine.."
" Tha-ts good i guess" niall said and i nodded.

" But where is he now than?"
The waiter brought me the food and drinks and I paid the bill.
" In my housse" and i thanked the waiter.
I nodded.
" sshhh, not so loud hon" his girlfriend said.
" Sorry babe haha"

When i ate my breakfast and had a chat with niall , i left the cafè and walked outside. It was ab 4pm and the time flies.
I looked at my phone.
3 missed calls from my dad.
1 from lottie.
8 from harry. Jeez 8
And 2 from my stephmother.
Axious people. Ugh.

I putted my phone again in my pocket and i walked down the streets. I never walk alone in this shopcentrum. So its really weird. People were staring at me. Or i was really hot or i looked like a wanderder.
I think the last one.

" Louis!!!" I schocked and looked around. Ohgod. A classmate.
I waved and continued walking.
Iam not in the mood to be happy now.

Maybe i can go to a old friend of me. Zayn. He lives 3 streets away from the centrum. He always listen to me and helps me. And its been a while. When i passed my examens he had to do the year over. He wasn't that good on school. He was obsessed with games.

I grabbed my phone and called zayn.
"zayn" a loud voice said .
I coughed.
" Hiya zayn, you remember me? Its louis" and i smiled.
I rolled my eyes.
" Can i come over?"
" Well ermm, sure u can! Im at home"
" Okay, i'll be there in like 10 minutes!"
" Great, see ya than man"
" Bye"

Hope u have/had a good day💖💖💖

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now