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I walked down the streets to zayn's housse. It was snowy and verry cold. I miss harry's warm hands in mine.
Louis what ya doin.
I shaked my head and looked for the housse number 19.
" There you are" i whispered and rang the doorbell.

After 5 seconds it went open and zayn was standing right before me and his mouth went open.
" LOUEH IS THAT YOUU" He said and i laughed and we did a bro-hug.

" Its me! Good to see ya zayn" and i walked in.
" Its been like .. 3 years?"'zayn said when he opened the door and we walked in the room.
"I guess so, yea" and i smiled.

The room was small but cozy. there were some vases , flowers, bean bags and a verry long bench.
" It changed! " i said and sat down on the bench.
" Ya like it?" He said while he walked to the kitchen.
" I like it verry mutch!" And i looked around me.
" Want something to drink?" He said from the kitchen.
" What do you have my friend"
" Umm.. I have some cola, whiskey, beer ,bacardi, safa-"
" SAFARI!" I yelled.
Zayn laughed " okay man"

After a few minutes we were listening to some music , chill, and drank some safari.
" So, you live alone?" I asked when he was ab to eat some chips. He nodded.
" No girlfriends?"
" Well loueh, listen"
I laughed " i listen"
" All those relationshipstruggles, iam- im just not ready to start a live with a wife and childs"

I signed. " Tru"
" and you?" He said and smiled.
Well im gay.
" Erm.. Same problem i guess" i lied and my cheecks became red.
" Welcome in the 'foreveralone' club !" And i gave him a highfive and laughed a little akwardly.

" You wanna smoke?"
I looked confused at him.
Zayn wised at the thing.
" Oh wait isn't that a-"
" Waterpipe, wanna try?"
He grabbed it and composition 2 for us down.
" Well za-yn i don-"
" I dont force you haha, but you can use it whenever u wanna"

I nodded akwardly and drank my 3rd safari.
The smoke came out of his mouth and it smelled really nice.

" but louis since when are you so small" zayn said when i was ab to feeling really drunk. I drank like 7 bottles safari.
" Since when are you so long" i said and he laughed and smoked waterpipe again.
" Here" he said and i grabbed the waterpipe.
Whatever. Lets get wasted.
" i count off and then we do, the one who gets the most of smoke is a man"
I nodded and laughed.
" 3"
"1" we screamed together.
I gave everything I could breathe and I took zayn easy.
He stopped and laughed at me
" LOUEH STOP HAHA " But i go on.
I felt that became a little dizzy but i liked this.
" LOUEHHH YA IDIOTHH" and he putted the pipe away.
I let myself fall on the ground and laughed really hard.
"Okay, ur a man" Zayn said and continued eating his chips.
" yes iam yes iam yes iam" i sang

' ring ring ring'
" Loueh, people are still calling u man, did u say u was here"
I shaked my head and laughed.
" And who is hazza? And why the hearts?" He said while laughing.
I laughed.
" Can u fuckin stop with laughing , they are worried man"
" So what ?"
" I'll call him back okay? zayn said and called Harry.


Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now