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" I'll grab some clothes!" Harry screamed from the bedroom while i was looking atmyself in the mirror. I think i never ever felt so happy as iam now.
"Okay !" I screamed back.

A few moments later he was back with some clothes and putted it on a small white table that was standing next to the shower. Everything was so white and clean here. It looked like a palice or a castle. I love this housse.

The sound of the shower made me awake from my thoughts and i schocked.
" Do you listen to music while showering?" Harry said when he putted the shampoo in the shower.
" Erm.. Most of the time ,yeah"

He smiled and grabbed a small cute radio under the table and putted it on the plank at the mirror.
" I dont know how this thing works by the way" he said while squeezing his eyebrows together.

" Oh w-"
A hard sound was turning in the bathroom. I closed my eyes and putted my fingers in my ear." STOP IT ".
He struggled with the radio but in a second it was turning into normal music.
" What the hell was that horrible sound?".
He laughed akwardly and looked at me.
" Sorry that things is verry old"  he said and walked to the shower.
I smiled and shaked my head.

I took my clothes from my bag and putted it on the stove so it remained hot. I smiled. I took my pyjama brook off and looked around me if i could put it anywhere. I schocked alittle when i saw the pyjamabrook and boxer from harry on the wetfloor. So he's completly naked skajsjjaajahaysauuau.

I bited my lips and took my underwear off. Harry was murmling with the music. It was cute.

I opened the shower- door slowly and all the warm steam came to me.
I splittled my eyes and i saw the huge muscular back was before me.
I cant.
I just-
He turned around and he looked a little suprised at me. His dimples were deeper than my fucking soul and his light grey/blue eyes were staring into mine.
" Hi lou" he said in his beautiful accent and i just died inside.
" Hey hazz" i said so normal as i could.
" Do you wanna give me the shampoo please ?" And he wised down next to me.

" yea-" i said in a crack voice and i turned with like my ass turned harry's way to grab the bottle.
" That ass" i heard him whispering.
I gave it to him and he smiled in like a pedo face. Shit that face is scary.
" Thanks" he said and he putted it in his hair.

" I wanna do that !" I said and he smiled.
" But ur to smoll".
I sighed. " Unfair".
" Maybe next time when were in bath" he said and i rolled my eyes.
" You don't even have a bath hazz"
" How do u know that so sure ?"
I looked confused.
" Bc i see only a shower and a toilet here"
" Maybe we have another bathroom with a huge bad and sauna.
My eyes became big.
" How rich are u ?"
He rolled his eyes.
"Maybe im rich, but i dont care. Happiness cares me more" he said and i blushed.

" You said that beautiful" and i looked at his hair that was now really long and cute.
" You , are beautiful" he said and he tickled with his finger on my belly.

I moaned a little inside.
" Harry- uknow tha-"
"Yeah thats youre special place" he finished.
I looked at my body and i just noticed now how much lovebites i had.
Harry blushed.
" You have to look at my neck" and he looked at the right.

I holded my hands for my mouth.
"Lovebites from you my love" and he licked his lips and looked at me.
" Stop looking at me-" i said and closed my eyes.
" Sorry, ur just to beautiful"
" And ur just to hot harry goddamn"

He smiled and his hand was moving. I was following his hand.
" Really?" And he leaned forward looking at my lips.
" Harry what-
But i couldnt talk anymore because our lips where in a second on eachother.
His hand was moving again and it was getting lower and lower.
I opened my eyes a little bit with our lips still on eachother.
I felt fingers on my leg scrolling up to my ass.
He smiled during the kiss.
He grabbed my ass and at the same time he was biting my lip.
I left a little moan .
Oh well.
"Shit" i whispered while harry giggled.
" I love you " he whispered in my ear.
" fucking harry styles i -"
He squeezed me against the shower wall and he was really strong so i couldnt move.
I can feel his friend against my belly and it felt really weird.
The water of the shower was getting in my face and i felt two big hands on me.
I closed my eyes and a hard suckkiss was lefting my neck.

" I love you. so much" he whispered again.
He grabbed my face and i his middle and we were kissing for like one long minute. It was perfect.
He holded back and i smiled.
" i love you to harry" and we ended in a hug while the water was streaming on our body.


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