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I forgot my jacket so i sat here in the cold and rain against a wall.
I can't believe he did this to me. He said we should have a amazing night. And i just.
Iknow, when ur drunk ur doing stupid things.
But this was hearbreaking.
I would never forgive him.

"LOUIS LOUIS " i looked up.
" Niall?" I said confused while looking at the blonde guy with my jacket in his hand.
"how do u-"
"Youre name is on it"And he wised at the inside of the jacket.
He gave it to me and no smile or emotion left my face.
I grabbed it and took it on.
" Hey ur okay? I'm verry sorry" he said and sat down next to me.

I sighed.
What would he think if he remeber this night tomorrow. I hope he thinks he did wrong and hurted me.
"Need some water?" He holded some water out.
" Fuck off with youre water" i shouted and Niall schocked.

I sighed.
" I understand that you are angry but ur making me scary with that face dude" he said and i rolled my eyes.
" What are you going to do?"
I shaked my head.
Calling lottie ' harry kissed a girl but he's my boyfriend' hellno.
I looked up . " i dont know , what c-"

My eyes focused on 3 persons.
"What?" Niall said confused and looked at where i looked.
" Well , shit" he murmled.

Harry was all shirtless and the girl was only wearing a bra. I could see them from here kissing eachother.
A tear streamed down my face.
" Louis... I feel so sorry for u.." And he hugged me from the side.

I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder.
" I hate this fooking night" i said while squeezing my tears away.
Niall's girlfriend ran to Niall.
" Hey beautiful" niall said and they kissed.
I rolled my eyes and i focused again at harry and the girls.

Alot of people were looking at them and yelling. I felt so much angry inside me. My heart beated faster and my face became angry.
I stood up.
" Are u ok? What are u doing?"

I was ab to walk but niall holded his arm before me.
"Lou-" i pussed it away and walked pissed with only my focus at harry to them.

I grabbed his hand.
"Come on, we need to go" i said while the girls were looking bitching at me.
" He doesnt go anywhere" the blonde girl in the bra said.

" FUCKING BITCH" I yelled at her while punching her away from Harry.
my head felt upside down. My angrysysteem became to 17372%

" WTF U IDIOT" the other girl yelled while slabbing me.
" HOW DID U CALLED ME?" And i holded my fist up to her and she stapped slowly backward.
" NOW LEAVE!!" I screamed and the girl ran away.

The blonde girl looked confused at me.
" He's youre boyfriend so what? He's fuckin drunk u idiot" she said and grabbed his hand.
" DONT FOOKING TOUCH HIM" and i slabbed her hand away.
" ouch!"
I made eye contact with Niall and he ran to me.
" Hope u enjoyed youre night now get out of the way or i'll be really angry" i said and leaned Harry's arm on my shoulder and Niall the other.
She splitted on my shoes and left us.
"Gross" Niall said.
I looked at Harry that was fully drunk and sleepy.
He murmled something and we putted him in the car where Felicite was sitting luckely.

" Erm.. What is wrong with Harry" lottie asked who sat down next to Felicite.
" He's d- runk" i said while looking at Harry and he closed his eyes.
" And ur not?" Felicite said.
" N-o" and i shaked my head.
" Well, okay weird lets go"

I waved to Niall who was standing infront of my window. He waved back and smiled. Bye irish boy.

" But how was it anyways?"lottie asked.
I holded my shoulders up. " awesome"
And i felt the pain off lying.
" Good" she said.
"We had also a lot of fun. Its a good club" Felicite said.

I sighed.


Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now