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We arrived at my housse though the snowstorm and i rang the doorbell.

After 2 seconds it was open and phoebe was standing there with a bigsmile.
" LOUEHHH" She yelled .
" SISSIE" i grabbed her and gave her a kiss on her forhead.
Harry giggled.

We hung our coats and Shawls on the peg, swept off our shoes on the doormat and walked into the room.
"Haloaaa" i yelled and everyone said hello.
" Are u ready to party lou?" Felicite said while lottie finished her makeup.
I looked at harry and than at her.
" Iam! And harry to"
Harry smiled and we sat down on the couch.

" Well, how was it?" My stephmother asked and looked at us.
I hold my breath and looked at harry .
Well we kissed , harry sucked my dick and we had showersex.

" Fun! " i said so normally as possible.
Harry smirked.
" Yeah, we coocked and louis cutted in his finger "
They all laughed.
" You and coocking? " my dad said.
" Yeah, iknow its not a good combination but it was lovely to do" i said and slabbed my hand around the couch at harry's side.

" What did u coock than?" Lottie said.
" Pasta?" I looked at harry and he said yea to correct.
" HA, Thats so simple u dumbass" phoebe said.

My eyes became big and we all laughed and my dad splitted his water out.
" Lanquege! " he said and
" Sorry dad" she said and giggled.

I sighed.
" Well, i'm gonna grab my phone and stuff so i'll be right back" i said and looked at harry at a face like ' come with me'

" hurry up! We go in 10 minutes"
Lottie screamed when we ran upstairs.
" YO"

Harry holded his hand for his mouth to hold his laughter in.
I grabbed his other hand and we walked in my room.
Shit. I didnt cleaned.
" I'm sorry for the mess" i said and harry died fron laughter.

I rolled my eyes.
" Come help me find my money"

THIS IS CHAPTER NUMBER 18 "ive have loved you since we were 18"  XOXOX LY ALL ( sorry for this short shapter , the next one will be longer)

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