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It was being alittle dark outside so we deside to go back to our hotel.
" You have the keys?" Harry asked.
" Ive got the keys!"
Harry giggled and i unlocked the door.
Harry left a deep breath and jumped on the bed.

I smirked.
" Its not sleepy time yet hazz" i said while looking for some clothes.
I think Harry and i can go to my fav restaurant. It's the perfect time.

" Its always sleepy time" harry said while yawning." Sorry, im tired"

" Thats because you need to eat! Iknow a cute restaurant here , its delicious! I would like to go there with you" i said and harry looked up.

" Is it chique?"
I nodded.
Harry jumped off bed and looked in his closet. I laughed. What a man.
" Not a suit tho huh?" i said
Harry made a 'o' with his mouth and turned around.
" But y-ou you can"
Harry grabbed chique jeans.
" Am i not TO chique than in that restaurant?"
I thinked but shaked my head than.
" Okay! if you do it aswell"
I rolled my eyes.
" Please?"
" Fine"
Harry yelled and grabbed his suit.
I looked for my suit and grabbed it aswell.  I took it on and it fits me really well. I walked to the bathroom to fix my hair.It looked so fluffy gosh.

I grabbed some gel and made a little quiff. much Better louis.

Harry walked in the bathroom while looking at his phone

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Harry walked in the bathroom while looking at his phone.
" Do i look fine?"
Harry looked up and his serious face went into a 'wow' face.
" You are - I wanna let my phone fall but-"
I blushed and looked at my shoes.
I laughed from his reaction.
I rolled my eyes. " Thankyou Hazz"
I looked atmyself in the mirror.
Two hands around my waist.

Harry stood behind me and stared at me in the mirror.
" You are so beautiful" he whispered in my ears. I smiled.
" Shut up"
" I think i just cant get my eyes of you when were on diner"
I rolled my eyes.
" Now make yourself ready hazz"
Harry smirked and gave a suckkiss in my neck. I moaned a little.
" I will" and he left the bathroom.
I took a breath and smiled.

" Fuck this flower thing" i heard harry saying from the livingroom. I was still in the bathroom bc i needed to stay there fromHarry.
" Harry ehhppp, i wanna see you !" i yelled.
" Ugh come help me with this!"

I looked up and walked in the livingroom. There i saw Harry. Struggling with his flower for his suit. My mouth felt open bc he looked so damn good. His suit fits him so well. his hair is more perfect than sleeping and his cute shoes were shining in the light.

 his hair is more perfect than sleeping and his cute shoes were shining in the light

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" Oh hi, help me? Do i look good?"
I shallowed and walked to him to fix his flower. " There we go" i said when i fixed it. Harry looked up with crinckles in his eyes staring at me. He's so beautiful. " Ugh, whatever can we marry allready? YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE M SO BLESSED HARRY YOU LOOK SO HOT OHMY I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY YOU ARE JUST PERFECT"

Harry blushed. " Thankyou"
We were staring at eachother for seconds. His green eyes have never been so green before, his dimples never so deep and his hair never so beautiful.
"S-o should we go?" Harry said to break the silence.  I nodded and grabbed Harry's hand. He gave a kiss on my cheeck and we left the room.
You know what? Actually i'm pretty nervous.

Hiii , so im feeling hella good, its today sunday and i wish everyone goodluck on school! I have still vacation and m waiting for my results from my exam. Iknow this book is a little boring bc this is already chapter 60 or so but i love writing this sm  OH AND I REACHED 1K! YAY TYSM 💕💕 goodnight larents , ily all.

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now