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" Is my hair normal?" I asked harry  while fixing my hair.
He nodded yes and i smiled.

I'm so nervous.
Yeah for a party. Normally for schoolpresentations or something but now for a fooking party. And thats not because i'm going with a hot guy (aka my boyfriend) but i just have the feeling that im going to ruin the whole night.

I shaked my head and we walked down stairs.
" Is there something babe?" Harry asked a little worried.
"n-o nothing its j-"
" READY TO PARTY" lottie interrupt me.
Harry yelled and smiled.
I set a fake smile " Yup" i said.
M actually not.

We stapped in the car. Felicite was driving and harry was ab to hold my hand but they dont know yet that we are a couple so i toke my hand back.
He looked confused at me.
I wised at them and murmled something and rolled my eyes.
He made a 'o' with his mouth and striked though his curly hair.

Ugh. Ofcourse i wanna hold his hand.
Poor baby.
Im gonna tell it when i'm ready.
I looked out of the window and i saw alot of cars driving to the same place.

" Does the whole city knows the party or something?" I said though the music of the radio.
Lottie giggled.
" It must be popular because look at those people" harry finished and wised at the club.

My eyes became big.
"Well, shit" i whispered
" That are a lot of people" lottie said.
" Ohgod i cant park here, everything is full" felicite sighed.

" Drop it somewhere , maybe in the grass?" Harry said what made me giggle.
We drived at some grass were 2 other cars parked.
" Perfect" she said and we arrived.

I was a bit shaking and i felt that my hands were really warm. C'mon u dumbass, stap out of the car.
We stapped out of the car.
" Cold cold cold" I yelled and harry laughed.
" I wanna cuddle you, but i dont know if that is akward" he whispered.
I blushed.
" I dont know there are a lot of people"
Harry rolled with his eyes and grabbed me.
" Ha-"
He gave me a kiss on my forhead.

A group of 6 people were staring at us and they laughed. I swallowed.
" Hey"
I looked at Harry.
" Dont worry so much, they need to accept us"
I nodded akwardly and smiled.
" I love you" i whispered
" I love you t-"
" ARE YOU TWO COMMING OR?" felicite and lottie were standing at the entry.

I blushed and we walked ( not hand in hand) to the entry.

Hows youre day?
I have it so busy with school so i won't be that active though. I have tomorror a exterciece ( dont know how to spell but k) from school. And my alarm goes so early. Its now midnight so i think im going to sleep in like 5 minutes.
Gn ilove u all xoxoxxo

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now