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Harry is seriously good in coocking.
I enjoy to watch him.
His serious face.
His fast hands.
His curly hair in his face.
Its so freaking cute.

I looked up. " Yeah hazz"
"Can you cut the tomatoes" he said in his lovely accent.
" Sure!" He smiled at me while i grabbed the knife and walked to the countertop.

I cutted the tomatoes in perfect pieces and harry was making the spaghetti
" Ouch!"  I shouted and grabbed my finger that was full with bloud.
Harry schocked.
" louis! Be carefull ! W-ait " he stressed out while i was looking at the big cut in my finger.

" Here" he said while he was standing in front of me with a plaster.
He did it carefully around my finger while biting on his lip.
" There we go" he said and he winked at me that made me blush.
" T-hanks, i'm so stupid, i cant even cut normally tomatoes" i said while rolling with my eyes.

Harry giggled.
" Not everyone is good in all the things in life lou"
My stomach was getting up and down and my heart was jumping.
"That nickname "
"My sisters call me that to"  i said and i putted the tomatoes at the spaghetti.

" Well, i think its done! " i said while harry was rasping cheesse.
" It is" and he putted the cheesse on the table and i set the table.

" FOOD" Harry screamed that made me laugh.
Harry putted the glasses on the table and Gemma walked in the room.

" And , how did it go?" She said and then saw my finger.
" Good even when i cutted my finger!"
She laughed.
" Where's mom?" Harry asked.
" She will c-"

Harry's mom walked in.
" Omg , that smell! "
" good isn't it?" Harry said and hugged his mom.

I like the band with his mom and him. They look so close to eachother. I mean they can tell eachother everything. I can tell my dad but its diffrent. I miss my mom.

We sit down the table and harry waved his hair.
" Stop doing that curly" i said while looking at my food.
" Why?"
" Because i will pass out soon" i whispered in his ear and harry blushed.

STUPID CHAPTER BUT HOW R U ALL? Omg louis is dad i still cant believe! ( i wonder if harry is gonna steal that child) xooxox

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now