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-the next morning-

I woke up at some noice. I think it was a door or something. I murmled and opened slowy my eyes a little bit. The sun was shining though the curtains.

Than i saw all the clothes on the ground. And i remembered what actually happend last night. And where iam.

I fully opened my eyes and looked up.
I was laying in the arms of a sleepy. Shirtless. Cute. Cuddly. Curly haired boy. Harry Styles. Aka my boyfriend.
His mouth was a little open and i could hear him breathing slowly.

I went a little upright and i tickled his soft lips. He was in dreamland. I stared at him. He's so beautiful.
I think i was in dreamland to.
I gave a kiss on his forhead and layed down again in his arms.
He murmled something that i couldnt hear and i giggled.

" GOODMORNINGGGGGG" Its was Gemma standing in the front of the door screaming.
" ahhhhh shut up" harry murmled.
I giggled.
" Goodmorning " i said She looked confused at the room.

" W-hat happend?" She said looking at us.
Harry opened his eyes looked at me , at the floor and than at Gemma.
" N-othing go away thankyou" he said and throw a pillow to her.
" But? Why did you even caught a matress that u dont need harry ? " and she wised at the matress.

" He was cold" Harry said.
I rolled my eyes.
What a man.
" Oh alright, should i make some breakfast for you and -"
" Louis" i said
" Louis! M sorry"
" Gradly" harry said and she smiled and closed the door.

Harry let a deep breath and than looked at me.
" Sorry for my sister " he said and waved his hair.
" Its okay, mine are worser"
He smiled.
" I didnt even said goodmorning to you" he said and gave me a kiss on my cheeck." Goodmorning lou"

I blushed and looked at him.
" Goodmorning hazz"
" Ur cute when u sleep"

He blushed and smirked.
" Oh you woked up earlier than me"
" Yeah, i did"
" Are u a mornin person? "
" Ehh.. To be honest? Yeah "
" Ohshit, im so not a morning person, im so freaking tired now and i have a headache and im every morning not nice and-"
" Shhhhh" i said putting my finger on his lips and gave him a kiss.

He closed his eyes.
" Its okay, i would'nt mind if u dont talk a lot at morning, i love every second being by you"
" Ahw lou, ur so sweet" he said
" Oh and , im tired to and i understand if u are because we didnt even had a lot of sleep"

He laughed. " Ur right"
He played with his fingers a little in my hair.
" Thankyou that night" he said.
I smiled.
" We are still shirtless laying in one bed and our shirts are laying on the ground, i dont know what youre sister think, but i would think 'what the hell'" i said
" Yeah, but she agrees with gay people so i think she dont even care what actually happend, and she know im weird" and he rolled with his eyes

" How do you know she agrees with gay people?" I asked biting on my lips.
I think my dad won't accept me. And my sisters would laugh me out.
" She said that one day, we had a deep conversation when we saw a tv programme about love or something"
" Oh" i said.

Than the door went open.
" Breakfast!" She said and gave it to us.

There was some orange juice, two breads with cheesse and a egg.
" Wow, delicious! " i yelled
" Thankyou Gem" harry said and she left the room

" You know what was delicious to?" He asked when we sat down eating our breakfast.
" Tell me" and i grabbed the orange juice.
" Youre dick"
I splitted the orange juice out of laughing.
" LOUIS!! " harry yelled.
Oops i splitted it in Harry's face.
" hahahahhaha i'm sorry, what the hell harry, ur sister is right, ur weird!" I said while laughing.

He laughed hardly and grabbed his blousse to get the orange juice of his face.
" Wait there is something left" i said
" Where here?" Wising at his cheeck.
" No there" i said wising at his lips.
" Wait let me put it away" and i grabbed his face and leaned forward.
I gave him a long kiss and than i licked his lips.
" Gentleman" harry said
" I'm sorry ur lips are to kissable" i said and i took a bite of my bread.
He rolled his eyes and giggled.

761 words wow .  i just see this all in my head. Like how louis splitted the orange juice at Harry. I cri.

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now