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-that morning: 10:41 am-

I slowly opened my eyes and felt the breath from Harry on my shoulder. wow so i felt asleep with my legs crossed over harry's and me in his arms. It felt so freaking safe. But i'm verry hungry so i must stand up and call the roomservice. I slowly wrapped myself out harry's arms and i realised i had still the string on when i walked across huge mirror. I looked at how it suited me. Well i can say its diffrent. I shaked my head and grabbed the phone where i can call the roomservice.

I heard that Harry was murmling something and i giggled. The phone rang and I got a nice French man on the line.

" Good Morning , how can i help you ? "
" Good Morning Sir , can roomserive take place in room number 14 ? " i said as neat as possible.
" Sure you can, i will say it! "
" Thankyou verry much, bye!"
" Bbye enjoy ur meal" i hang up with s smile and walked to the huge window with drapes.

You could see it was a sunny weather so i think we can eat on the balcony. I opened the drapes as a prince and looked at the amazing view. A bussy street and alot of trees and flowers.

" Louis?" i heard harry murmling from the bed.
I turned around.
" I'm here, goodmorning love, i just called roomserive, its a beautiful weather! we can eat breakfast on the balcony?" i said and gave him a kiss on his forhead. His curls were wild and his eyes small. So cute when he's awake.
His dimples came and he lethimself fall in bed again.
" You are the best " he said in a sleepyvoice with his eyes closed. " Iknow, iknow" i joked and walked to the window again.

" You know, this view is incredible" i said while looking out of the window with my hands in my hair.

Harry opened his eyes. " Well, this view is more incredible than any other view "
I began the blush and turned myself around with my arms crossed and a bitchy face.

 " Well, this view is more incredible than any other view " I began the blush and turned myself around with my arms crossed and a bitchy face

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" What? Dont look at me like that, i only said the trueth "
I rolled my eyes and smiled then. " I hate you" i said and turned around.
"Ah come on! Iknow you love me, you just called the roomservice and kissed me goodmorning"
Haha hes unbelievable funny.
" Yeah but i can say i hate you, i can say what i want"
" Ahhh i like this side ofyou, its bitchy"

Our sarcasm is serously goals af tbh.
" Good for you, well Harry?"

Harry stood up and wrapped his bighands around mywaist and his head in my neck.
" Yes lou?"
" Iknow a good placeto party. But promise me youwouldnt distroit it okay? I justwanna have fun with you"
Harry gave a kiss in my neck. I closed my eyes.
" I pinky promise" hesaid while holding his little finger up.
" good" isaid and we did the pinky promise thing.

" Is that tonight?" Harry asked when he wrapped his hands again around my waist.
" Yeahi guess, im gonna look onthe site i guess"
" Okay! Than i need to wash my blousse out"
i giggled. " Why you always need to wear the sameblousse?"
" I feel comfy in it and good"
" Allright! Im gonna wear a shirt and jeans"
" And and were gonna buy strings"
I blushed.

His hands went down to my string.
Ugh i hate that im getting so turnedon byhim touching me.
" Because it looksso fuckin hot on you! Omg we need to buy pinkones because gay af"
I rolled my eyes. " And you needto calm down"
" Sorry!! Exitement"

" fuck" harry shouted
" Ohgod"
Harry's hands left my waist and i jumped in bed so fastly as i could. Bc hey im standing in a string. Harry opened the door in his boxer with asmile.
" Thankyou alot, have a nice day" he said and they left.

I jumped outof bed and did my pyjama shirt on. Harry just ran to the balcony in his boxer because he's always hot. Like hot.

We laughed and sat downon the chair with a table before us with some breads jam and delicious food.
"Well this makesme so happy" i said
" Same , enjoy your mail !"
" Enjoy your mail!"


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