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The pyama was black with white cats on it . It made me laugh.
" Cats?"
" Kittens" he said.
I giggled.

I looked at it and took my shirt of.
I had that kind of feeling that harry was staring at my abs the whole time and it made me feel unconfortable.
" Can you jus-t stop staring?" I said while taking the pyama on.
Harry did a hairwave and looked down.
" S-orry" he said with pink cheecks.
I smiled.

" I like the pyjama! How do i look?" I said to change the mood.
Harry light blue eyes were sparkleling and he smiled.
" It looks verry good on you!"

I started to walk though the room to find a mirror.
" ah" i said and i laughed.

It is to big but it feels so comfortable. The cats are pretty scary btw . All those weird face inpressions.

" Its huge" . i walked to harry.
He smiled and looked at his closet.
" Do you wanna choose a pyjama for me lou?"
I blushed at the nickname.
Never get over his voice. how he says that. Damn.
" u-h yeah ofcourse! Can i-" I said while looking at the closet.

"Go" he said.
I ran to the closet and opened the door.
My eyes became big.
" That"
" Alot of"
" clothes"

Harry laughed.
But wow . How decently is this?
Every color was by color, every shirt by shirt. It was so decently its unnormal.

" How do you get this so decently. Like my closet is a mess" i said while looking at harry.
" I'm just not a messy person" he said and grabbed his phone.
" yeah iknow that now hazz"

I grabbed a white pyjama bc i think white looks so good on him. The dust was verry soft that it almost felt of my hands.
" have one!"
" Damn , i almost felt asleep" he said while yawning.
" i'm sorry!"
" omgg lou" he said with big eyes staring at the pyjama.
" what? "
" no way"
" that my favourite ! How do you know that?"

I giggled.
" my god,i didnt know that. I just liked this one"
" thats so weird, like this reminds me of.. you know those tv- programme's like how they can hear what you think and stuff"

I giggled. " Im a  secretly famous magican"

Ohgod. I wish i could hear what he was thinking. That would make it alot easier for me!


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