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" Doesn't what?" i said again to Harry who was fronzing his eyebrows together.
" She had- a car acc-id"
" W-hat? Ha-rry! Dont say th-"
And he cried in tears.
My mouth felled open.
" SHE HAD A CARACCIDENT" he yelled and cried in tears.
" Come here" i said and i felt the wet tears falling on my shoulder.

" Wh-at happend to her? Is she okay?" i asked when he stopped with crying.
" Y-ea she is okay.. I think she just-"
" Its okay, it was just a schock" i said and he slowly smiled at me.
She got a broken arm and a lot of sc-ars.." Harry said slowly with a broken voice.

I grabbed his hand and looked at him in his watering red eyes.
" I'm so sorry for you, should we go to her?" .
He looked at our hands and than at me.
" Ye-ah" and we left the housse.
" GOING TO HARRY" i screamed.
No answher. Okay lets text lottie than.

We arrived at Harry's housse. There were some police's and childeren in the street. But his housse looks verry big.
Harry bited on his lips and we walked in his housse. Even without rining the doorbell.

" Mom?" Harry said while were walking in the room.
"Nobody?" He said
Verry weird.
" were here !! " i heard a girl screaming from upstairs.
" GEMMA!" harry screamed and he ran upstairs. I followed him.

We walked in a big warm room.
There was a girl sitting next to a woman. I guess that woman is harry's mom and gemma maybe, his sister? Well i hope so. He's single right?

Harry ran to his mom what looked really cute.
He hugged her really thight and smiled.
" o-uch harry, that hurts!" She said while giggling.
I smiled.
" Wait who's that guy standing in front of the door?" The girl called Gemma said.
Harry looked up.
" t- hats Louis "
" Hi!" I said a little to happy.
" Hi, how are you young man?" Harry's mom asked.
" Well, to be clear, im not that young im 21" i said and they laughed.

" Humor, like it" Gemma said and i smiled.
" But im fine"
" Are you fine mom?" Harry asked.
She yawned.
" Yeah- but a little tired"
" Wow , what time is it?" I asked.
Harry looked with a serious face at his watch.
" 5 o'clock, ohgod m starving " he said and i laughed.
" im starving to, but mom cant coock now " gemma said.
" Well, i can coock!" Harry said while looking at me.

I blushed.
" Or we "
I smirked.
" i can't coock, but i can try" i said while peeling with my jacket.
" You always have to try !" Harry said and ran to me and grabbed my arm.
I laughed.

" Now this beautiful housse is going in fire hazz"
" yea- wait"
He stopped and looked at me with a smiley face.
" How did u called me?"
" H-hazz?" I said while laughing.
Harry smiled and blushed.
" I love that nickname " he said.

Okay i cant help it. I grabbed his cheecks and squeezed them.

And harry laughed and i putted my hands down.

" Well, lets coock!" He said exited.

Hehe, u didnt expect that , didnt ya?

Where do broken hearts go? - LS (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now