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Itwasin the middle of the night and i wokeup from the vibration of myphone.
I wurmed my self a little out harry's arms and grabbed my phone with my eyes halfopen.
It was from brianna. 3:03 am.

' Yoo u awenr ar the partu uket? Cmoniub my freudns can make resldj gosos pictures! x' with a picture. I giggled. She is drunk i guess.
I yawned and clicked on the picture.

Well ya she is really really pretty

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Well ya she is really really pretty. I started typing.
' Hello there, u waked me up! You are drunk asf ! can see that by ur kind of typing hahaha😛 '
' ah maorry rhat i waked ip hahahah do i lookz food?'
' you mean good? Yes! You look really good even though im fucking gay😅'
'yayay hthankyouk pls codme !'
' Nah im laying in bed with my boyfriend, sorry love! Maybe next time :)'
' ah ok thatz aldjrifht picturme?😏'
' Im sorry icant figure out what there is standing😂'
' ah ksj id tou wanan take pictuer'
' if i wanna takea picture?'
' yas'
'' you dont believe me dont ya? okay sure i will send u a picture '
' hahaahhs k '

' Hello there, u waked me up! You are drunk asf ! can see that by ur kind of typing hahaha😛 ' ' ah maorry rhat i waked ip hahahah do i lookz food?'' you mean good? Yes! You look really good even though im fucking gay😅''yayay hthankyouk pls codme...

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' look how cute he's sleeping❤️❤️ hes so soft and warm '
' ohmugidfgrfxdscfds si cute m smlektng'
' wow u spelled cute right!!'
' 😆😆😆'
' But no party tonight, maybe tomorrow 😛'
' Ok!! Go tosewop bue'
' whateversss.... byebye'

I smiled , did the volume off and locked my phone. I wrapped myself again in harry's arms and kissed his beautiful curly hair. Murmer left Harry's mouth and he moved a little.
" Sleeptight beauty" i whispered in his ears.
Harry moved his back to the wall so now face to face andi unwrapped my arms.
" How late is it?" Harry murmerd in a sleepy voice. Oh he's awake!
" Early. About 3am. "
Harry groaned.
" Why are you awake baby?"
I stroked his chest and looked then athis closed eyes.
" My phone vibrated" i said without lying.
" Oh okay " he said and gave a kiss on my cheeck.
I now stroked his cheeck.
" Out of boreness. I made a cute picture of us , you were sleeping as a rose!! "
Harry giggled " Show me"
I grabbed myphone and clicked on gallery.
I showed himthe picture i sended briana.
Harry's eyes became to crinckle and his dimples were deeper than ever.
" Send that one to me , thanks"
I smiled gladfull and did what he said.
I did the picture as my background and locked it again.
" You sneaky little bastard haha, but i love the picture. Your arms are so tiny in mine "

Harry crossed his leg over my legs so we were closer.
" Im not tiny"
" Yes you are, you are my tiny little smoll bean" He brang useven closer to eachotherwith his arms and he stroked my back. I blushed.
" You are just like the hulk."
Harry laughed.
Awh so cute.
" The hulk? I'm not even green"
" Your eyes are"
" Okay you have a point"
I smirked and played with his hair.
" But if m the hulk to you im really strong and huge and muscular"
I rolled my eyes. " Yupp"
There was a little silent.
But broked it.

" Sooo.. hazza?"
" Ya?"
" Iknow i asked this before but. Whats do u likethe most aboutme"
" I cant choose fuckin one thing. It are like thousand"
I giggled. " One thing okay"
" Okay. If i had to choose one thing. Than your smile. Because your eyes are getting so small and your smile so bright and its so freakin adorable you look like a sunshine when you smile"
" aweeeee harreehhhh, thats so sweet of u"
" Haha, well u asked... And now i ask you a question"
" Ask "
" Can i fucking kiss you?"
I smelted. Omygosh. That was so cute.
I smiled bright.
" You dont even have to ask that, but yes you can"
Harry smiled and grabbed with one hand rough my face. With the other hand above my string.

We were giving kisses for like forever.
His hand went slowly in my string and he squeezed in my ass.
I left his lips because a moan left my mouth.
" Please make me hard, say sexy things to me" harry said.
I fronzed my eyebrows. " Like what?"
" Just do it!"
" Okay okay umm.."

Harry kissed my neck while i was thinking of things to say.
" I wanna fuck you upp every fuckin night babe"
" Yes good good" harry answhered while lefting my neck.
I grabbed his face and bited on his lips.
" I wanna eat you like a watermelon, verry wet and dirty"
" Yes baby" harry moaned quietly.
I stroked his whole body and left everywhere suckkisses.
" You are so tasty babe" i said deeply.
Harry moaned.
I stroked his boxer and bited in his underwair.
" Ugh please take it off and lay down baby " he said while getting on breath. I took his wet boxer rough off and it felt on the ground.
" Good job baby" harry said while i was looking at his hard friend.

I smirked and grabbed his face. We kissed again and harry's hand went again in my string. We crawled over the bed and harry smashed me rough on my chest.
" Hazzabear isgonna fuck you so fuckin hard in your ass baby"
I giggled out of breath.

" Please buy hunderdthousand strings, it looks so hot"
Harry bitedin my string and took it off.
" I will " i said while harry was stroking my ass.

" Im so ready for this" harrysaid while his friend was in my ass. And i'm not haha.
Harry took his friend inand out and every time a little faster. Thebed was making weird sound and i think the wholehotel could hear our moans.


" H-arry" i said out of breath when he stopped.
Harry lethimself fall on the bed with a bigsmile on his face.
" I-cant feel-my a-ss"
Harry laughed outof breath and gave me a a boxer. I took it on and smiled. Harry had sweat on his forhead. Un normal.
" You can get a littlepain afte-r this " he said when we did our boxers on.
" Nice.. Thanks harrold "
" Harry, it is harry"
" Fine" i said and we get in bed again.

I closed my eyes and breathed out.
" Goodnight loubear" hazza said while yawning.
" Goodnight hazzabear" i said and gave a kiss on his sweated forhead.
Harry grabbed myhand and gave there a kiss on.
Awh so sweet.
" I love you alot"
" I love you more" i said
" You can't because i love you more than more"
" I love you more than ever"
" I love you more than ever andever and ever"
" I love you the most"
" Fine u won lou"
I laughed.
" I always win"
" Whatever" harry said while giggling and we felt a sleep in like 7 second after.



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