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- the next morning 10:50-

I felt touchings on my body and i murmled and smiled. I slowly opened my eyes and crinkcle eyes were staring at me.
" Goodmorning most beautiful human on earth" Harry whispered and gave me a kiss on my lips.
I rubbed my eyes and smiled. How perfect is it to wake up like that.
"Morning" i whispered while harry was stroking my hair.
" You look tired lou, didn't you have a good night?"

Shit. I realised my dad's conversation.
I shaked my head.
" I - i had a headache " i lied and harry looked confused at me but than smiled.
" Should i make some breakfast for
you?" He said while grabbing my arm.
I looked at his hand on my arm and than at him.
"Well, its my housse so i should make it for you don't you think?"
He smiled.
" But you are tired so i'll go " and he catched the towels away.
I could't say no now.
I was focussing on his beautiful body when he stood up and i bited my lip.
He's a god.
" i'm just gonna put my pyjama on" he said while i was still staring at his body.
" What do you want for breakfast?" Harry asked even i couldn't hear it because still staring.
He turned his face to me.
" What do you want for breakfast?" He asked again.
" Louis " he said while laughing.
I shaked my head and blushed.
" Erm.. Something what you like"
He nodded and took his pyjama on.
" Thanks Hazz" i said when he was ab to walk out of the room.
He smiled and walked to me and gave me a last kiss.
" No problem cutie" and he left the door with a wink.

I was listening to some music but than Harry walked in.
He had a big plate with white , brown and croissant bread. Also alot of tea and some cheesse.
I smiled. " Ohmygod m starving" i said and pulled my earphones out of my ear.
" Where can i -"
" Here" i said and wised before me on bed.
He smiled and putted the plate before us.
" How do you know i love this cheesse ohmy .. Harry" i said and wised at the cheesse.
" So i grabbed the right? There was alot of cheesse" he said while he poured the tea.
" Ya" i said and gave a kiss on his cheeck.
My belly was making weird noices and harry giggled.
" Damn louis, eat something or u will die" and he putted bread in my mouth.
I laughed and ate it.
I closed my eyes.
" This is so good" i said with full mouth.
Harry smiled and drank his tea.

When we were so full we listened to some music.
" So what's youre musicstyle?" Harry asked.
I searched some songs on spotify.
" Coldplay, 1975, greenday... Wow lou im impressed! " harry said while reading it from my phone.
I smiled.
" This is my fav song" i did ' somebody else' from the 1975 on and the song begans. We listened in peace and closed our eyes.
" This song is beautiful" harry said and i grabbed his hand.

- listen to the song while reading this to make it real ( video above the chapter)

I opened my eyes and looked at Harry's lips. He opened his eyes and licked his lips. The music was perfect to kiss eachother.
I grabbed his face and harry putted his leg on my naked leg.
We started to kiss and biting eachothers lips slowly what went faster into more.
Harry smiled during the kiss and holded me really close to him.
I putted at that time his pyjama brook off and he his shirt.
He started to kiss my neck while grabbing my ass and i holded his head.
The song was making it more perfecter than it was and we crowled over the bed. He licked his lips and he trow me against the wall of my bed. He putted his hands agains the wall next to my body at the right and left side and he gave me suckkisses on my belly well pushing me. A hard moan left my mouth.
" Sorry if i'm to rough" Harry said.
I laughed out of breath and letmyself fall on my bed.
Harry smiled and layed next to me and putted the towel above us.
We ended up in a cuddle and i kissed his arm.

This isn't smut this time lolol its love. I supposed to be asleep but i missed writing this 😅😅 my alarm goes in 6 hours and i know now iam so tired tomorow so
bbye loves xoxox

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